Friction (Red Hot Private Eye, Novella, Vol. 2)

Friction (Red Hot Private Eye, Novella, Vol. 2) by Melanie Shawn

Book: Friction (Red Hot Private Eye, Novella, Vol. 2) by Melanie Shawn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melanie Shawn
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    Logically, it was the right move. There was no way she was going to listen to him if he didn’t speak to her calmly. And he needed her to hear what he was going to say.
    Strategically, it was the right move. They weren’t just co-workers now. They shared an office. If he started things off on the wrong foot, day one, he knew she could make his life at work, well shall we just say...unpleasant.
    Professionally, it was the right move. Technically she hadn’t done anything wrong. She had completed the job. Period. He knew that is how Cristal, Dominic, and, hell if he was there, even Red would see it.
    Unfortunately however, right now, all of that logic, strategy, and professionalism was being overridden by the consuming desire to scream at her to never put herself in that kind of danger again.
    Mateo knew himself, and—although he would like to believe that when he saw her, he would behave logically, strategically and professionally—he knew that, most likely, consuming desire would win the battle. Yep , he was almost sure of it.

Chapter Nine
    Mateo had been standing outside Raiza’s front door for almost ten minutes now. He knew that she was inside. Her car was in the driveway. He had called her cell phone and he could hear it ringing through the front door.
    The longer he stood out there the more worked up he got as questions flew through his head like boomerangs, going out into the atmosphere then coming back again and again.
    Was she ignoring him?
    Was she hurt?
    Was she asleep?
    Was she ignoring him?
    Was she hurt?
    Was she asleep?
    He had no idea what the answers to those questions were, but he did know one thing for sure. She had ninety seconds to answer the door or he was going in.
    Just as he lifted his hand to knock again the door flew open. The first thing that he became aware of was the scent that hit him smack dab in the face. It was feminine, fresh, and flowery.
    The next thing he noticed was that she was in a towel. His mouth began watering as his eyes roamed down the bare skin of her shoulders to the round mounds of her breasts peeking out above the fluffy pink cotton towel. Her dark hair fell over the cloth material, cascading like a waterfall.
    His eyes lifted to meet hers and he saw that, even though she was glaring at him and clearly not happy about his unannounced arrival, she looked soft and sweet. With no make-up on and her hair falling wet around her face, she looked hotter than should be legal.
    She didn’t speak, just glared. Clearing his throat he tried to make himself recall why he was there. But his brain was having a hard time coming up with an answer.
    Finally she broke the silence, “What do you want, Mateo?”
    That was a loaded question , he thought. Visions of all the things he wanted to do to her flashed in his head.
    He heard a car horn beep behind him and he turned and saw one of Raiza’s neighbor’s pulling into his driveway, waving at her. When Mateo looked back he saw Raiza lifting her hand and waving it slightly. The motion of her arm caused her towel to slip down just a millimeter but that was all it took to make Mateo’s need explode like a volcano.
    “Can I come in?” he asked. He heard his voice drop a couple of octaves, the way it always did when he was turned on.
    Raiza’s eyes widened in awareness. She didn’t speak, just nodded and stepped back to allow him room to walk in. His large frame pushed past her and when she shut the door behind her, he knew that she was feeling their connection.
    Her chest was rising and falling at a rapid pace and her lips were parted and swollen. There was a flush in her skin and her eyes had become heavy-lidded. Mateo knew that he needed to take advantage of this opportunity. He had things he needed to say to her, things he had specifically come to this house to say, but, hell—they could wait. Right now, he was going to show her how he felt about her, and it wasn't going to be with words.
    He took a slow step toward her, and

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