Frozen Holidays 1& 2 Eudorus and Zelus
he didn’t want her out of his sight. He felt the need to be
next to her. The mated gods had mentioned the need for their mates.
He hadn’t believed such a strong feeling for a female could truly
exist. He knew better now. He got out and went around to get Danny
out of the child seat. Jen got out before he was done and started
heading into the building without him.
    “Wait a second, we’re coming,” he hollered
and she stopped until they got to her.
    They walked up the stairs to her apartment
where she packed for her and Danny. There were no problems but he
felt protective of his family. That’s what he considered them to be
so he would watch over them the best that he could. They left the
apartment and he carried a big bag for Jen and a small one for
Danny. Danny skipped and sang as they moved along. Once they got to
the steps Danny tried to hop down them which made Jen lecture him
on safety.
    Ros had to admit he was relieved when they
made it back to the SUV. He got Danny settled and Jen got in on her
own. Normally he would have helped her, but since he was looking
after Danny, she settled herself in. He got in and they rode back
to his apartment. So far things had been easier than he expected.
He was just waiting for the other shoe to drop. Maybe he’d be lucky
and he wouldn’t have any problems. Yeah, right!
    He escorted them into his apartment when they
arrived. Danny was running from room to room losing items of
clothing as he went. His shoes were in the living room, his hat in
the kitchen. Jen was running after him trying to calm him down. The
boy just needed some exercise to burn off all that energy. He
grabbed Jen’s hand and pulled her to the bathroom where a whirlpool
tub was.
    “Take a bath and I’ll play with Danny for a
while.” It looked like she’d refuse but she changed her mind and
    Ros went to find Danny and they got on the
floor rolling around and enjoying themselves. It was a lot of fun
and he was sure Jen was enjoying her bath. He wondered what she’d
say when he wanted her to sleep in his bed tonight. Just the
thought of wrapping himself around her before they went to sleep
excited him. Just the thought of her at all made him giddy as a
schoolboy. They played nearly and hour and then he got Danny ready
for bed. He was a little worried that she had been in there so long
but he’d heard from mated gods that sometimes females just needed
time to relax. He had a second bathroom to use for Danny and him so
once Danny was in bed and he was ready for bed, he knocked on the
bathroom door. No answer. That worried him so he checked the door,
she hadn’t locked it. He opened it and she was asleep. The
bathwater was tepid so he woke her up.
    She startled when he shook her lightly. “You
fell asleep,” he said. “I’ve put Danny to bed and he’s asleep. I’m
ready for bed too if you are.”
    “Danny needs to take a bath,” she
    “Already done.”
    “He’ll expect a story before he’ll go to
    “Already told him one and he’s already
    It surprised him how hard it was for her to
accept help from him. She would probably be as resistant to anyone
trying to help. People could be hard to deal with and she probably
hadn’t gotten many offers of help. She’d thought Raker was trying
to help and now she knew he was using her. Maybe it wasn’t so hard
to understand her attitude after all. It didn’t matter because he
would help her whether she liked it or not.
    “Could you step outside while I dry off and
get dressed?” she asked her face flaming with embarrassment.
    “Of course I can,” Ros said. He didn’t really
understand modesty since the gods had been raised practically
naked. The small thin shorts they had worn at the facilities
covered little and hid nothing. He didn’t mind if she was shy, he
would break her of that in due time. He would mind if she tried to
avoid his bed. Tonight he planned to sleep with his mate.

Chapter 6

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