Gabrielle: Bride of Vermont (American Mail-Order Bride 14)
traveling clothes to his and washed them all. As she hung the wet clothes on a line outside to dry, she was pleased to see that the animals had been tended to again. Assuming that Clyde or Colby had taken care of that, she was grateful for the help.
    She stood by the corral for a few moments and watched the horses. They galloped about playfully. She wondered which one Boone rode most often and which one would be hers. Was it presumptuous to assume he’d let her have one to call her own?
    She looked around. As far as she could see, there were no other houses nearby. She didn’t have much experience with horses, but since they lived so far from anyone or anything, surely he’d expect her to ride from place to place. She couldn’t wait for him to tell her which one she could ride when he gave her lessons.
    She’d been daydreaming and when she’d hurried back into the house she heard Boone. “Hello? Anyone out there?”
    Hurrying into his room, Gabrielle greeted him. “Good afternoon. How are you feeling now?”
    His eyes lit up when he saw her, but he remained quiet for a moment. “Is it all right if I just call you ‘beautiful’ whenever I need to talk to you? Would you mind very much?”
    Unfamiliar with direct compliments, she blushed. “Well, I think you could just call me by name, don’t you?”
    Boone frowned. “No, I don’t think I can do that.”
    “I’d appreciate it very much, though.”
    Nervously, Boone smoothed the quilt on his lap. “I’m sorry. I can’t do it.”
    “And why not?” she asked, feeling determination set in. After all, if they were to have a marriage in name only, then he shouldn’t be using terms of affection with her. It didn’t make a bit of sense.
    He was silent, biting his tongue. His eyes darted about. “I’m just not sure what it is. I’m sorry about that. It doesn’t happen to be Amanda, does it?”
    She sighed. “No,” she said as she looked into his large brown eyes. “It’s Gabrielle. Gabrielle Dillingham. I’m your wife,” she said, trying hard to be patient, but feeling a little irritated.
    There was a chair in the corner of the room. She pulled it a comfortable distance from his bed and sat down. Settling herself into it, she forged ahead “Let’s get acquainted, shall we?”
    Gabrielle arose early in the morning. She walked into the kitchen and to her surprise, found Boone sitting at the table. “Good morning, beauti—, I mean, good morning. How did you sleep last night?”
    She jumped. “Oh! Boone! I’m sorry, I didn’t know you’d be in here. Are you sure it’s all right for you to be up and about?” Slipping into an apron she’d brought with her, she began gathering the items she’d need for coffee and breakfast, noticing that he already had a nice fire burning in the stove.
    “I’m usually up before dawn to tend to the animals. The knock I took to my head has sort of thrown my schedule off a bit. And don’t worry about me. Doc Colby said I could move about some today. I’ll follow his orders to stop, if I feel dizzy.”
    “Animals?” She set the pot on to begin heating. “Are there more than just the horses?”
    “Well, yes. We’ve got a cow and some chickens, too. How ‘bout we take a quick walk before I fix us some breakfast and I’ll show you around,” he offered.
    Gabrielle wondered if he was really ready to go about showing her the ranch but doubted it. A concussion was nothing to be messed with.  “I’d like that, but what I’d really like is to get some breakfast in me. I’d like to do the cooking, if you don’t mind.”
    “That’s not necessary. I’m used to fending for myself, you know.”
    Well, that’s pretty obvious, based on what this horrendous kitchen looked like just a couple of days ago! She bit her tongue and smiled. “Yes, Boone, I know you can do it. But will you allow me? After all, I came down here to be your partner. I expect to be cooking for you every day.” She skirted

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