Gabrielle: Bride of Vermont (American Mail-Order Bride 14)
one another to find joy in life and to walk more closely with You?”
    Gabrielle listened intently. This man’s words were thoughtful and kind. His concern for their marriage was evident in what he was saying. He prayed like no one she’d ever heard. He seemed to actually care about them.
    Clyde’s prayer ended and Boone grabbed Gabrielle’s hand and pulled her toward him. She wasn’t expecting it, and the momentum behind his tug caused her to lurch forward, practically falling on top of his chest. He slipped his hand behind her head and pulled her in for a kiss.
    Gabrielle managed to get her feet squarely under her and stood back up, reeling from the way the kiss made her feel. She was blushing profusely when the Williamsons and Doc Colby quickly congratulated the newlyweds and hurried to gather their belongings and leave, insisting that she not see them out. Nonetheless, she followed them to the front of the house, thanking them for all their help and closing the door behind them.
    She walked down the hall, repeating her new name quietly to herself. Mrs. Boone Dillingham. Gabrielle Dillingham. Mrs. Dillingham. I can get used to that in no time at all.
    When she stepped into the doorway of Boone’s room, he smiled brightly at her. “Hello, beautiful Mrs. Dillingham. Please make yourself comfortable. It’s your home now, you know?”
    “Well, I guess it is. We’re married, aren’t we? Does that sound as strange to you as it does to me?” she asked.
    “Doesn’t seem strange to me at all. I like being married to you, Amanda. I truly do,” Boone said sincerely, and smiled at her as she stood in the doorway.
    Gabrielle didn’t know what to say. Who was Amanda?  Finally, she spoke calmly and clearly. “Well, Boone, I’m happy to know that you like being married to me, even if you just called me by the wrong name.”
    “I did?” Boone looked confused and upset with himself.
    Gabrielle saw the confusion turn to frustration on his face. Slowly, she walked over to the bed and stood beside him. She stretched out her hand as if to shake his. “Good evening, Mr. Dillingham. I’m very pleased to make your acquaintance. I’m your wife, Gabrielle. Gabrielle Dillingham.”

    When the bright sunlight finally made its way across her face, Gabrielle slowly opened her eyes. She’d slept so soundly that when she awakened, she forced her eyes to look around in spite of the temptation to roll over and keep sleeping.  
    What day is it? Where am I? She took in her surroundings. There was a large armoire in the corner and a small table next to the large bed. She couldn’t begin to understand the pile of horseshoes in another corner.
    Gabrielle loved the fact that her new husband was confined to bed in another room for their first night under the same roof. After Boone apologized for getting her name wrong, he encouraged her to make herself at home and dozed off to sleep.
    She had worried about their wedding night, even though she was confident the man who’d picked her wouldn’t be expecting anything romantic to take place. While she wasn’t sure how his injury would affect his behavior toward her, she was thankful he had to stay down for two or three days. It would give her time to explore her home.
    The exploration opened her eyes to the reality that no woman had cleaned Boone’s home for a very long time, if ever at all. She began in the kitchen and scrubbed everything she touched.
    Boone remained asleep for long enough for her to finish that task and fix a light lunch. Fortunately, it looked as though he’d stocked the shelves well. There was plenty of food for her to work with.
    Following lunch he slept the day away, and she attacked the rest of the house. There were cobwebs in every corner and accumulated dust under the beds. She was unsure of what to do with the pile of rocks in the parlor, so she dusted the tops of them as well.
    The next morning, she added her

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