Game Changer

Game Changer by Melissa Cutler

Book: Game Changer by Melissa Cutler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melissa Cutler
they call it. Haven’t you seen that pussy of an announcer on the show?” Will stood and affected a haughty pose, or as haughty a pose as one could strike while being six foot four, sporting a thick beard, and build like a brick shithouse. He used the customized hockey-stick-holding prosthesis on his right hand as a microphone and affected a terrible British accent. “Find out if love is the answer, tonight on
Meet the Groom.
    Brandon cringed. “They say that on the show?”
    â€œAt the start of every episode.”
    It was Theo’s turn to laugh. “You’re going to be on the show, but you’ve never seen it?”
    Um. . . .
    Liam snickered. “I think the better question is why does Will know so much about a stupid dating show?”
    Another explosion of laughter rattled the room.
    â€œOh, bite me,” Will called over the din. “Like you’ve never watched it. The girls they get on that show are hot.”
    â€œI will give you that,” Elijah said.
    Theo clapped Brandon’s shoulder. “How long does filming take? You’ll be back here before the fall hockey season starts, right?”
    No wonder they’d taken the news so well. He met Gabe’s gaze from across the room, sharing a cringe.
    â€œNo, that’s the thing, guys.” Brandon swallowed. “I’m not coming back to Destiny Falls. I’m moving away . . . permanently.”
    The room went silent.
    Gabe nodded. They two of them were solid. Gabe had been with him in the apartment when Brandon had gotten the offer from
Meet the Groom
. They’d discussed it, and Gabe had given him his blessing.
    They two had originally met in Walter Reed seven years earlier in the amputee rehab wing. Watching Gabe learn how to live without both arms had been Brandon’s first
moment of putting his own struggles into stark perspective. The two had become fast friends and workout buddies. When Brandon heard from his prosthetist about the program that Duke had started in Destiny Falls for veterans, both the ice hockey team and the civilian jobs he helped them find, he passed the information on to Gabe.
    He’d floated the offer to Gabe to move to Miami with him, but Gabe was happy in Destiny Falls, though he fully supported Brandon’s choice to leave. It was the most that anyone could ask of a friend.
    Will dropped to the bench next to Brandon. “You’re kidding about not coming back, right?”
    He looked Will in the eye. “No. It’s time for me to move on.”
    Scowling, Will stared at his skates. “You said you told Duke already? How did he take it?”
    â€œHe took it okay, I think. I’ve been hinting at the possibility with him for a while, so I’m sure he expected it sooner or later.”
    â€œWe all did, but geez, you’re leaving on Monday? That’s coming up fast.”
    â€œI know. I didn’t want to tell you all until I’d had a chance to talk to Duke and Gabe.”
And Harper.
But he didn’t need to invite comments about her from the guys. More than anything else they razzed him about—his modeling career, his appetite for women—his push-and-pull relationship with Harper topped the list.
    â€œGabe, you cool with this move?” Theo asked.
    Gabe held up the fist of his prosthetic hand for Brandon to bump. “Still not used to the idea, but I get it. And I am reconsidering your offer to move down there and room with you. Someone’s got to console all those chicks you don’t choose as your bride. If they want a soldier who’s an amputee, I’d be happy to oblige them. The show might limit you to choosing one contestant, but there’s enough Gabe Martinez to go around.”
    Amid the snickers and laughs, Theo said, “You’d be cool with being a consolation prize? Dude, that’s low.”
    Gabe waved them off. “Like Will said, have you seen the

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