Game Plan
view. A very anti-dramatic effect. But good for breaking the tension a bit, if she read his face correctly.
    “This is the person who ditched me tonight,” she said when she’d reached his feet. She thrust the phone in his face before he could protest. Grudgingly, he looked at Lasha’s picture on the screen. Recognition registered in his features. Still didn’t look convinced, though. She switched applications and pulled up the text conversation. For extra sass, she pried one of his hands from his chest and slapped the phone in his palm. Let him look all righteous and smug after reading those snippets.
    She shifted foot to foot while he read. For only a couple of texts, there was significant R-rated content. Lasha had made explicit comments about Mason’s body—all true, Andie could vouch for those—along with referencing Andie and Mason’s sexy evening. Because yes, she’d spilled some of the details. How could she not? Lasha’s final text contained a suggestion for what Andie could get up to tonight, both to and courtesy of the gorgeous man reading her iPhone. The smile on his face must mean he liked the idea.
    Mason offered the phone, catching Andie’s hand when she reached for it. “This is where I apologize for being a Neanderthal.” He opened his legs and pulled her between them. “Which explains why I’m alone, but why are you?”
    “Um, because my friend took off when she saw us getting ready to make out at the bar.”
    “Not just tonight.” He drew her close enough that her knees brushed his fly. His hands cupped the back of her legs, climbing the hamstrings and stopping at the bottom curve of her ass. He squeezed, his fingers curling between her legs. Her skin practically caught fire as his gaze slowly moved up her body. Cool blue eyes never looked so hot.
    “Do you need to get home for your son?”
    She shook her head. “He spends weekends with his dad. I’m free until tomorrow night.” Too much information…it probably seemed as if she were begging for an invitation to spend more time together.
    “Meaning I have a chance to fix my mistakes, starting with the one from last night.” He grinned, one part sexy mixed with two parts sheepish. The effect was one hundred percent charming. “Only I haven’t figured out exactly what it was.”
    “I guess it’s a good thing you’ve got all night.”

Chapter Four
    These had to be the same hard-ass plastic benches from his kid days of bumper bowling. In fact, he’d bet nothing had changed at B&D Lanes in decades. Except his opponent. Andie lit up this dreary place. She even made the clown-like rental shoes sexy. But bowling, for chrissake. He still couldn’t believe he’d brought Andie here instead of taking her straight home to his bed. After an hour of watching her cute ass sway as she lined up her shot in the lane directly in front of him, his reasoning didn’t feel so reasonable.
    She’d given no hint why their date died on the pavement last night. He’d said or done something, that much was obvious. He could’ve straight out asked, but no, he’d chosen this method. Hopefully a nice, light evening would wipe the slate clean. Show her that he wanted to spend time with her, get to know her, not just take her home and fuck her long and hard.
    They’d spent the past hour swapping random details. Education, career choices, favorite foods and movies—basic date conversation. She’d been offered an assistant designer’s position at some fancy fashion place in Toronto after college, but had come back to her hometown and set up a dressmaking shop instead. Big-city living didn’t appeal to her—another thing they had in common. Once she’d learned he was a veterinarian, she’d bombarded him with questions. Not the usual kind. Really detailed stuff only a true animal lover would want to know. He liked that. He liked everything about her so far. Her interests and core values. Her quick and dirty sense of humor. Hanging out with

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