Gemini Thunder
    ‘What is?’
    ‘I’ll explain when we get back to land. There are two other fleets of them over there, and there.’ He pointed again to two different spots on the horizon.
    Two small, blond-haired figures hurried out from under the shelter offered by the platform on the lead ship and moved quickly to stand on the platform itself. Suddenly they both looked up and pointed to the exact spot where Twilight and Desmond hovered in the sparse clouds.
    Twilight nodded at them both.
    ‘And as for you, my little beauties, praeparet bellum, gemini , prepare for war, twins. Come, Desmond, it’s time to go.’
    The third set of two had just appeared, and Twilight knew that
    Merlin’s prophesy was about to come true.
    My companion and I would like to discuss matters Viking with you immediately.
    King Alfred started as the voice of the veneficus leapt into his mind.
    ‘Of course . . . of course,’ he said aloud. His five companions looked at him oddly. No one had said anything to him warranting an answer. The pressure of sovereignty must be getting to their still young king. They were sitting around a sturdy table in the castle at Winchester, the remains of an evening meal still apparent.
    Kindly prepare your guards and companions for our arrival.
    The king cleared his throat and motioned to the two fully armoured guards with short swords in their scabbards and lances upright in their hands standing either side of the door.
    ‘Don’t be alarmed. We are about to receive a visit from the Wessex veneficus and his companion. Keep your swords sheathed and your lances still.’
    He turned to his companions, who by now were beginning to really question the mental state of their beloved Alfred.
    ‘They have news of the Viking,’ said the king by way of an explanation.
    Then Twilight and Desmond were standing by his chair.
    Although forewarned, each of the guards still gave an involuntary
    dart toward their sheathed swords.
    ‘Leave us,’ Alfred quickly barked a command at the guards. ‘We will be fine.’
    As they left, Alfred turned to his companions, who all still had their mouths open in surprise at the sudden appearance of Twilight and Desmond.
    ‘This is Twilight, the Wessex veneficus, and . . .?’
    ‘Desmond Kingdom Biwater,’ said the young companion firmly, determined not to be put down by the obviously exalted company he was in. After all, he had just flown the length and breadth of Wessex and then to here in the blink of an eye. When had any of them flown anywhere ?
    ‘Allow me to introduce everyone,’ said Alfred. ‘On my right here is my beloved wife, Elswith, and next her companion Hild.’
    The two ladies inclined their heads in acknowledgment, still unable to keep the incredulity from their faces.
    ‘At the end of the table is Septimus Godleman, my religious advisor.’ The hooded eyes of the priest blinked, but the rest of the fleshy face remained immovable. Bare-headed, showing long, curly silver locks, he wore a silk vestment with wide open sleeves at the wrist. Everything about Godleman’s manner proclaimed extreme dislike of the visitors.
    ‘On my left here is Hugh Easton, the High Reeve of Winchester, and next to him my battle leader, Edward de Gaini.’
    Easton and de Gaini, who by now had regained their composure,
    both executed a suitable but neutral nod. ‘You have news of the Viking?’ Alfred asked. Twilight moved around the table, speaking as he went. ‘My lord, they are approaching the shores of Wessex rapidly and have broken into three groups, each of thirty long ships. With one hundred warriors per ship, that’s three thousand to each group.’
    ‘Do you know where each group is likely to make landfall?’ ‘My estimate is the southernmost group is again heading for Lyme Bay, the central group Bournemouth, and the last group Bognor Regis.’
    The group was silent as they absorbed this. ‘There is an obvious plan in those landfalls,’ said Edward de Gaini eventually.

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