GENESIS (GODS CHAIN) by Nikolaus Baker

Book: GENESIS (GODS CHAIN) by Nikolaus Baker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nikolaus Baker
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contractor be able to: operat e from airfields and semi-prepared rough landing areas in extreme climates and all weather conditions by day and night; carry a variety of equipment , including vehicles and troops over extended ranges; air drop paratroops and equipment; and unload with a minimum of ground handling equipment.
    The Strategic Defense Review confirmed that t he A400M would meet th e s e requirement s . It would replace the remaining Hercules C-130K fleet. A400M is a collaborative programme involving eight European nations (Germany, France, Turkey, Spain, Belgium, Luxembourg, UK and Italy) and a total of 180 aircraft . The program was, a ll in all , considered “chicken feed” — because the UK Ministry of Defence fielded thirty billions of pounds sterling to be awarded in contracts alone .
    Don Luzio wanted this award badly and would see it achieved ! Procured through a contract with Airbus Military Italian , also owned by Ilario Holdings , t he deadline was this Friday and worth billions of pounds. A large share of the contract money would be transferred to a few the Don’s individual Swiss bank accounts , of course.
    Ventisei Software Solutions (VSS) had just provisioned t he UAE Armed Forces General Headquarters’ (GHQ) new electronic tendering portal, enhancing the efficiency, speed and transparency of the GHQ’s procurement process and bringing the system on par with international standards. A joint press conference was attended by the Armed Forces and UAE’s leading IT solutions provider, ITQAN, who implemented the project in association with international partner Ventisei Software Solutions Ltd of Italy. ITQAN and its strategic partner, VSS, were entrusted by the UAU Armed Forces to provide a state-of-the-art IT solution to automate GHQ’s procurement process. The press conference was held on the sidelines of the International Defense Exhibition (IDEX) in Abu Dhabi. The portal ’ s capabilities would also be enhanced in the future for use by other directorates of the Armed Forces .
    Power, wealth and ambition were Ilario’s middle names , although far from the world he ’d known as a child, raised as he was in the Sicilian village of Petralia Soprana, located in the Madonie Mountains about 1500 met r es above sea level . The village was always a step or two behind the modern world. As a young man , Don Luzio had firmly gripped th e modern age of technology with both hands and us ed it easily to his full advantage —technology was like the tree of knowledge of good and evil to him; it raised him up above others, and yet... .
    His father, Don hoped, would have been proud of him for all his work.
    Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which
the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman,
yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?
    —Genesis 3:1
    The love of money, it is said, is the root of all evil. And yet some roots grow much deeper than that....
    The c ardinal lived just outside Rome in the village of Acilia. He o wn ed a fine villa with peaked central turret and a generous main building on two levels ; it dominated the hill upon which it sat . A sandy coloured building with different shades of light pastel yellows and dull oranges, its w indows were large and arched and from this vantage point the house looked out and downwards through a gorgeous system of valleys and creeks far below. The landscape was characterized by its natural warm colours — fertile soil and the rich clearne ss of water streams produced lush vegetation and a forest of o aks.
    L ying comfortably on his basket lounger in the shaded veranda as t he sun r o s e early this October morning , Cardinal Giovanni Dalla Gassa contemplat ed in deep solitude as he looked over the world. ...
    The mission is almost complete , he thought. Benedict has not sat in his holy chair for long — he is unfamiliar of the immediate office issues within the Vatican and ,

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