It was little short of bribery. Gently really had to turn his head. In a moment, no doubt, he would be being promised letters of recommendation to his assistant commissioner and other such blameless favours …
‘You can throw no light on the affair yourself, sir?’
It was a wicked thrust, and the popping eyes of the mayor-presumptive showed that he felt the sting.
‘I … I – Good Lord, I wasn’t even in Lynton at the time!’
‘You have an alibi, have you?’
‘A – a – yes, I suppose I have – if that’s what you choose to call it! Thursday is my theatre night, and I was in Norchester. I arrived back at my house at about half past twelve – it is six miles out, on the Norchester Road. But honestly, Inspector—’
‘I wouldn’t want to scamp my duty.’
‘I was never at any time suggesting—!’
‘We like to clear up all the minor points, sir.’
Pershore goggled at him, his small mouth hanging half-open. He was obviously unused to being snubbed, even by the police; Gently felt almost sorry for the man’s fish-like helplessness.
The situation was saved by the emergence of Fuller from the side door of his office.
‘You’re wanted on the phone … somebody called Dutt is asking for you.’
Gently hastened into the office and picked up the receiver. He seemed not to notice that Fuller and his landlord were closely attending him, and exchanging glances.
‘Hullo, Dutt … what have you found?’
‘Everythink, sir!’ The cockney sergeant’s voice had the childlike ring of excitement it took on when he had made a good killing.
‘I found the place, sir – third flipping time of asking. It’s The Roebuck – that posh place opposite the Abbey Gardens. Been there twelve days they had, spending money like water, then they checked out in a hurry on the Friday after lunch. And this is the cream of it, sir. Taylor’s things are still in his room. They paid his bill in advance till the end of this week, which is the reason why nobody hasn’t posted him as missing.’
Gently laid the receiver back softly on its rest. A faraway look had stolen into his eyes.
‘You – you have had news, Inspector?’ Pershore ventured, curiosity getting the better of affronted pride.
‘Mmn.’ Gently nodded. ‘News I didn’t expect … Lynton being the spotless town it is!’
‘I beg your pardon, Inspector?’
Gently hunched his shoulders. ‘Who knows? We may tie Lynton into it yet …’
When he was gone, he was certain, Pershore would ease his damaged feelings by taking it out on Fuller.
T HE ROEBUCK, LIKE the St George, had a large central courtyard in which stagecoaches had once changed horses, but in this instance it had been roofed with glass and now formed an extensive lounge. Tubs of palms flanked a central promenade carpeted in red and gold. From the roof depended wire baskets of ferns and geraniums. A cool, leisured, conservatory atmosphere penetrated the whole, and at this hour it had very few occupants.
Dutt was standing by the reception desk talking to the manager. Seeing Gently enter the sergeant clicked his heels and came across to meet his senior.
‘What a bit of luck, eh, sir?’
‘Good man, Dutt – you’ve beaten me to a lead!’
‘Couldn’t believe me ears, sir, when they says they recognized them. It just goes to show you mustn’t overlook nothink …’
The manager came up, a worried-looking man with the appearance of an ex-army officer. He was verydeferential and spoke in a low, conciliatory voice. From time to time he glanced at the one or two patrons who sat in the lounge conversing or reading the papers.
‘I didn’t much like these men, but what could I do? They had plenty of money, and there was nothing in their behaviour to which I could take a positive exception. They drank, of course, but so do a lot of guests, and you would soon lose your custom if you started being too precious about it.’
One got the picture at once. Another
Marissa Farrar
Ron Foster
Pepper Winters
Melissa Baldwin
Yōko Ogawa
Carl East
Richard Murray Season 2 Book 3
K. S. Adkins
Mary Duncanson
Jimmy Carter