Ghostwalker 06 - Predatory Game

Ghostwalker 06 - Predatory Game by authors_sort

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    Logan shot him a faint grin. “We know for absolute certain that we were all as dumb as jackasses to agree, and that we’re all royally screwed. Well, with the sad exception of you, who can’t get your housekeeper to cooperate and give you one or two extras. That might change if you weren’t such a cheap son of a bitch.”
    “I might throw you out in another minute.” Jess’s voice was mild.
    “Actually she’s kind of cute,” Logan persisted. “And when she talks on the radio, man she sounds like sin. Maybe I’ll give it a try and see if she likes my type.”
    “I’d have to shoot you,” Jess said. The walls expanded and contracted. Beneath his chair the floor shifted ever so slightly, and on the desk several objects moved. He took a deep breath and let it out.
    Logan was joking. Teasing. The kind of bantering they always did back and forth, but for some reason, the mere thought of Logan hitting on Saber sent his gut twisting into hard knots.
    Logan glanced around, leaned back in his chair, and laced his fingers behind his head. “You know you picked a bad time, Jess.”
    Jess sighed, not bothering to pretend he didn’t know what Logan was talking about. Hell yeah, he’d picked the wrong time and the wrong woman. “Yeah, I’m very aware of that. Don’t worry, I have my priorities straight.”
    “Do you? Because this could get ugly. If the wrong person gets wind of this investigation, they’ll come after you, my friend. They’ll kill you and her. And most likely they’ll do to both of you the kinds of things that were done to Ken, just to see what you know and who you told.”
    Jess knew Logan was right. Worse, he knew he had put himself and maybe even his team members in jeopardy by not revealing that Saber was telepathic. Dr. Peter Whitney had experimented on young girls years earlier, and there was no doubt in his mind that Saber was one of these women. She could have other, much more dangerous, psychic gifts. Most of the GhostWalkers did. But he couldn’t give her up.
    It made no sense, but he couldn’t do it—not yet.
    “You’ve got to tell me what’s going on, Jess,” Logan said, shifting in his chair, leaning forward. “We’ve been friends too long for you to shut me out.”
    Jess nodded. “Give me a few days to sort through all this. We’re not even close to finding the traitor yet, so there’s no way we could have spooked anyone.Just let me figure things out.”
    “Don’t wait too long,” Logan cautioned. “In our business, things go to hell very fast.” Idly, he picked up a folder sitting beneath a lamp on the desk and turned it over and over in his hands. Jess leaned forward to take it and immediately Logan flipped it open.“What is this?”
    Jess held out his hand.“Nothing important.”
    Logan inhaled sharply. “Don’t bullshit me. This is your medical file. Bionics?” He was silent a moment flipping through the thick pages. “Lily sent you this, didn’t she? For God’s sake, Jess, she’s Whitney’s daughter. We’ve already got some bastard trying to kill us all, we’ve had our brains opened wide and Generated by ABC Amber LIT Conv erter,
    our DNA altered, isn’t that enough for you? Tell me you didn’t agree to do this.”
    Jess remained silent.
    “Bionics.” Logan murmured the word aloud. “Another experiment?”
    Jess shrugged, trying to look casual. “The latest technology. Eric Lambert told me about it first when he was here checking on me.He said Lily Whitney has already advanced it.”
    “And convinced you to be her guinea pig? You don’t think that what her father did to us was enough?”
    Logan took a breath. “Do you really trust her, Jess? I know she’s married to Ryland and he’s one of ours, but…”
    “She lives in that house, knowing every minute of every day that Whitney has to be able to see and hear what she’s doing so she can keep track of him. She lives in hell, Logan. Yeah, I

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