Gimme an O!

Gimme an O! by Kayla Perrin Page B

Book: Gimme an O! by Kayla Perrin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kayla Perrin
Tags: Fiction, General, Contemporary Women
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it’s decided in court.”
    Ginger clutched her Louis Vuitton Murakami handbag. Certainly this wouldn’t be the last one she would ever buy. “But I…I’ve already become accustomed to a certain lifestyle. How can he get away with such a small offer?”
    The lawyer sighed wearily. “Perhaps you want to reconsider your petition for divorce. After all, your husband seems willing to work things out.”
    “No. That’s out of the question.” It wasn’t part of the plan. She needed a divorce from Anthony as soon as possible. “I, uh—I’ll never be able to trust him again.” She sniffled.
    “Fine.” Brody’s smile was as fake as they came. “Shall I call your husband’s lawyer and tell him we have a deal?”
    What was wrong with this man? Was he deaf and unambitious? “Mr. Brody, I’ve already made myself clear. I hired you to make sure that I get what was promised to me in the prenuptial.”
    He pushed his chair back and stood. “Then I’m sorry, Mrs. Beals. I cannot in good faith continue to handle your case.”
    “You’re kidding, right?”
    “No, I’m not.”
    Ginger got to her feet. “B-But—what do you mean?”
    “We have nothing else to discuss.”
    “You’re—You can’t do this. You can’t just drop me. You work for me.”
    “With all due respect, Mrs. Beals, I quit. If you refuse to accept my advice, there’s nothing more I can do. I won’t waste your time or mine fighting for something that will never be. Another lawyer might, but I won’t.”
    “I don’t believe this.” She needed Alexander Brody. He was one of the best divorce lawyers in Los Angeles.
    As Brody rounded the desk he glanced at the ornate wall clock in a less than subtle hint that her time was up. “I’m more than happy to continue on as your attorney if you’re willing to accept the deal your husband’s lawyer has presented.”
    “I won’t be bullied into selling myself short.”
    “Then I wish you luck. And good day.”

    After a hectic morning schedule, Lecia needed to get out of the office. She had been keeping a low profile, even from the rest of the staff, all because she felt embarrassed about last night’s appearance on the Tonight Show. Instead of passing through the main office to head out, she had slipped out the back door and across the street for her lunch break. No one had noticed.
    Now, sitting at a table in Nora’s Café, she sipped a strong black coffee as she reviewed the latest issue of The Journal of Sex Education and Therapy , a publication of the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists. She wore a large straw hat and sunglasses, a feeble attempt to disguise her appearance.
    Most people at this shop knew who she was—regardless of any disguise—but thankfully, they left her alone. With her newfound fame, she not only enjoyed a semblance of normalcy in her life, she craved it. Part of normal was being able to sit down in a coffee shop and enjoy a coffee and a pastry. She was able to do that at Nora’s Café.
    Sensing someone behind her, she turned. Lawrence, the proprietor of the shop, smiled down at her.
    “Afternoon, Lecia.”
    “Good afternoon,” she replied. Lawrence couldn’t see her and not say hi. He was like that with all his customers. He treated them like friends.
    “I missed you this morning.”
    “I was running late. I didn’t have time to come in for my morning coffee.”
    “At least you’re here now. Like I always say, you bring a piece of the sunshine in with you.”
    Lecia simply smiled.
    “What’re you reading?”
    “Oh…” Lecia closed the journal and covered it with her arm. She had been reading an enlightening article about new perspectives on sexual pain disorders, but she didn’t feel like sharing that information. “Just boring medical stuff.”
    Lawrence held the coffeepot high. “Need a refill?”
    She held a hand over the opening of her cup. “I’ve had two cups already, thanks.”
    Lawrence nodded, and should

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