Girl Least Likely to Marry

Girl Least Likely to Marry by Amy Andrews

Book: Girl Least Likely to Marry by Amy Andrews Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Andrews
Tags: Romance, Contemporary
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    Cassie was pretty sure there weren’t. Why did her body want him? Mighty fine or not, the man had clearly
forgotten to pay his brain bill. What on earth were they going to talk about
while they were doing it? She and Len discussed
their research. What could she talk to him about?
    ‘Yeah, but I’m not sure I want to be naked in front of a guy
who doesn’t know what Pi is… Why couldn’t he be a geek? Smart men are my kind of
    Reese shook her head. ‘He played dumb, didn’t he?’ she said to
    ‘Yep. To be fair, though,’ Gina said, ‘Cassie was speaking to him slowly and using very simple
    Reese sighed. ‘Yeah, he does that when people make
assumptions.’ She looked at Cassie. ‘Well, you better hold on to your hat,
Cassiopeia, because Tuck’s brain is about as big as his ego. He graduated summa cum laude in pure math and he’s currently
working with a young start-up company in California developing a stats app for
the NFL. He’s no savant, but he’s no dummy either.’
    It was Cassie’s turn to blink. ‘Maths?’ She loved maths.
    Reese nodded. ‘Not just a pretty face.’
    Marnie straightened up. ‘Speaking of pretty faces….’
    Gina and Reese also straightened. ‘What?’ Cassie turned to look
behind her. Not that she really needed to. She could already feel his pull.
    She sucked in a breath as Tuck swaggered towards them, once
again greeting his fans with casual aplomb. Was it his broad chest and narrow
hips, beautifully showcased in dark trousers and a pale lemon shirt unbuttoned
at the throat, that flared her nostrils and set her mouth watering? Or maybe it
was his short
crinkly blond locks that would surely curl with any kind of
    Or was it just his big beautiful brain that made her want to
lick him all over? Dear God, she was turning into an
    Cassie quickly turned back, her brain already shutting down.
Reese glanced at Gina and Marnie, who were both watching Cassie’s reaction with
bemused expressions. They’d seen their friend flustered before—but never over a
    ‘Morning, ladies,’ Tuck said as he drew within a metre of the
table. ‘Cassiopeia,’ he murmured as he pulled up the chair beside her and sat
    He turned to smile at her. Except Cassie this morning was very
different from the one last night. Her hair was straight and ruthlessly pushed
off her face, her make-up was non-existent, and she was wearing something baggy
and voluminous that totally obscured the body she’d been showing off last
    She was no swan this morning, that was for sure.
    But her pretty grey-blue eyes still looked at him with that
compelling mix of intelligence and confusion and he liked that he was still
rattling her.
    ‘You turn into a pumpkin, darlin’?’
    ‘Tuck!’ Reese gasped.
    ‘What?’ he protested, looking at his cousin completely
unabashed. ‘I’m just saying Cassie’s looking a little…different this
    Cassie wasn’t remotely insulted by the observation. How she
looked or didn’t look had never mattered. What concerned her was the riot going
on inside her body as his scent, now encoded into her DNA, pulled her into its
orbit. The sudden leap in her pulse, the flare of her nostrils, the gush of
saliva coating a mouth as dry as stardust.
    He smelled different this morning, but the same. There was a
hint of something sweet, a tang masking the earthy smell of male, but it only
added to his allure. It tickled at her nose with each inhalation. It wafted over
her in sticky waves. It undulated through her breasts and belly.
    She could see the hollow at the base of his throat, the steady
bound of his pulse, and it took all her willpower to stop herself leaning into
him and burying her nose right there.
    Dear God—he might not be as stupid as she’d thought, but she
was losing IQ points fast.
    Everyone was looking at her. Say
something, damn it!
    ‘Why, when you have a maths degree, did you lead me to believe
you were

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