Give Me More
hands down her shoulders in a soothing motion meant to calm her overheated body. Bo took Spring by the hand and stepped off of the elevator. He grinned to himself when he saw the way she eyed the hallway. It looked like the hallway of an expensive apartment building.
    * * * *

    Spring’s composure was shot to hell when they stepped off the elevator. She was somewhat light-headed, vision a tad bit blurry, and her body begged for release. Damn, were all elevator rides that sensual? With Bo, it was possible.
    She did not realize the Three Wishes Casino had floors that looked this exquisite. Once she stepped out of the hallway where the elevators were housed, she noticed they now stood in another lobby of sorts.
    There were three hallways and an attendant that sat in the center of the lobby behind a circular desk. As Bo escorted Spring past the attendant, she eyed the floor. It was expensive. The slate gray stone flooring lined the entire length of this particular floor. Apparently there were only four rooms on each hallway that looked like entrances to penthouse apartments, with doorbells and doorknockers. Spring thought it was simply gorgeous.
    Once Bo opened the door, Spring was speechless. It didn’t resemble any hotel room she had ever stayed in. It was a penthouse suite. The foyer had cream-colored stone floors that opened up to a sunken living room with a huge flat screen television, a fireplace, and a staircase that led to…bedrooms? To the right of the living room, she eyed a formal dining room with a fully stocked wine cooler. Outlining the two rooms was a panoramic view of Las Vegas with an attached balcony.
    Who is he? Spring thought. As much as she wanted to pursue the questions rolling around in her head, she couldn’t. It was easier not knowing anything. She didn’t want any attachments. This was just for tonight. She pushed her curiosity to the back. It would only make her reconsider her decision to be with this man.
    * * * *

    It paid to be an investor in the Three Wishes Casino . Since they had no intentions of sharing their personal business with each other, Bo felt no need to give up anything voluntarily. It just made him appreciate the fact the she knew nothing of his wealth, wanted no piece of his wealth, and wasn’t turned on simply by his wealth. She wanted him.
    Bo should have been proud of that thought, but his feelings wavered. What was he without the recognition and notoriety? The women flocked to him because of his talents, champion status as a bull rider, and, without a doubt, his money. They wanted the flashing lights, interviews, and attention he drew just about everywhere he went.
    And yet, tonight he had managed to dodge the fanfare when he decided to dress down from his normal clothing of well-worn jeans, shirt, and his favorite cowboy boots to black dress slacks, black dress shirt, and black cowboy hat. He’d even decided on taking pleasure in one of his secret loves, jazz. Thanks to doing something completely out of character for him, he had met Spring.
    “Who are you?” The question couldn’t be contained as she asked with laughter in her voice. He couldn’t help his own laughter at the question. She continued on before he could respond. “Never mind, Bo. I don’t think I want to know.”
    As soon as the door closed, his mind went blank. His cock throbbed as he watched Spring step further into the sunken living room. He heard her whispering approving compliments as she made her way over to the panoramic view. It was dark outside, and the lights were dim in the room, but no one in the entire building had to worry about being seen through their hotel room windows in the Three Wishes Casino. The windows were one-way.
    That meant he could do whatever he wanted to her body. He could press it up against that window she was walking towards, and no one but the two of them would be the wiser. And, he had every intention of exploring as much of her as possible. He only had one

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