Godless And Free
and there’s no free speech. And if the Muslim Council of Britain had its way this would be one of those countries, and I’d be arrested and tortured for making this video. This is not a belief system that I want to see encouraged. But there’s nothing phobic about it. It’s just common sense.
    The real phobia lies with Islam itself, and all religions, with their pathological fear of reason, which they know can evaporate all their delusions in an instant, because reason to religion is like sunlight to a vampire. That’s where the real fear is. And that’s where the real hate is.
    Peace, especially to everyone in the religion of peace.

    * Salman Rushdie.

What About the Jews?
    June 29, 2007
    Hi everybody. I’ve been asked by a few people why I criticise Muslims and Christians, but not Jews. Well, this is possibly because, of the three dogmas in the children of Abraham – Muslims, Jews and Christians – I like the Jews the best. When I say I like them, I think all three religions are an insult to humanity, but Jews don’t do quite as much complaining and privilege-seeking as the other two dogmas. And, more importantly, whereas Muslims and Christians want everybody to belive what they believe, Jews don’t give a damn what you believe as long as you leave them alone, and I like that.
    On the other hand, I have heard a rumour that Israel is secretly controlled by Jews, and I’m not sure I like the sound of that. I’m talking about proper Jews, obviously, not the ordinary everyday man in the street sort of Jew, but the ultra orthodox hardcore boys who still attack people for whistling or gathering sticks upon the Sabbath. You know, the guys who’d rather they were still living four thousand years ago, apart from a brief excursion into eighteenth-century Russia for some clothes.
    And this surprises me. I had always assumed that the Christians were really in charge because they control America, and America controls Israel.
    We know, for example, that not all Zionists are Jews. There are a number of influential Christian Zionists who would like nothing better than for the Jews to rebuild their temple in Jerusalem, because they believe that this will herald the second coming of Christ and, as an added bonus, the final destruction of those pesky Christ-killing Jews. That’s right, the ones who won’t convert, apparently Christ is going to come and show Hitler and the Catholic Church how it should have been done.
    Meanwhile the political situation in Israel is like a knotted rope. The harder they try to pull it apart, the tighter it gets. And this is because elements on both sides remain vigilant against any possible outbreak of peace. Islamists on one hand, settlement-building Jews on the other. In other words, the people motivated most strongly by their religious beliefs. What a surprise.
    Given the history of the Jews, it’s easy to understand why they would want their own autonomous Jewish state, but the problem is it’s in the wrong place, because if there was any justice in this world Israel would currently occupy half of Germany. But Israel is not really about justice, is it? It’s really about Jerusalem, which is really about scripture and prophecy, which as we know is really about insanity.
    Jerusalem, of course, is a sacred city to all three dogmas in the children of Abraham (which frankly is the best argument I’ve heard for bulldozing the place, pushing all the rubble into the sea, and then sowing salt in the ground so that nothing will grow there for a thousand years) but right now the Jews happen to control it, and the Christians are happy about this because they know how much this pisses off the Muslims.
    See, the Christians are taking this opportunity to help rub the Jews in the Muslims’ faces, because they haven’t forgotten the humiliation they suffered just eight hundred short years ago in the Crusades, and now it’s payback time.
    And the Jews, they know they’re being used like this, of

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