Going All Out

Going All Out by Jeanie London Page A

Book: Going All Out by Jeanie London Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jeanie London
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in her heart.
    And had been in way over her head.
    God, why had she ever been stupid enough to get involved with that man?
    Bree already knew the answer. But now she had the answer to another all-important question.
    Jude wasn’t here for revenge. He was playing the romance card. He wouldn’t have let her know he was back otherwise. Whatever he wanted from her—and he wanted something, no question—he intended to use their history to get it.
    Relief burst through her, so sudden and hot she grew flushed in the close confines of the taxi. She could scratch revenge off the list, and a part of her wasn’t surprised.
    Bree honestly didn’t believe Jude would ever hurt her. The man was an opportunist, a con man. Not an abuser. He expected to control her and would try to bully her if he didn’t get his way, but as dysfunctional as their relationship had been, he had once claimed to love her.
    And Bree believed he had—as much as he could loveanyway. He’d honestly expected her to leave town with him when his last con had gone south. He’d thought all his money and promises to solve her problems would replace her family.
    But keeping her family together had been the whole reason to deal with the problems.
    Jude hadn’t understood that. His idea of love was unconditional devotion. If he loved and cared for her, then she should devote herself solely to him. Bree shuddered to think what her life might be like now if she’d continued down that path, if he hadn’t gotten in trouble with the law, forcing her to choose between her family and him.
    Lady Luck had been shining on her after all.
    So then why was he back now?
    Then she remembered Lucas’s words upon finding her in his shrubs. You found the captain’s treasure.
    Had Tally’s illustrious treasure hunt brought a rat out of the woodwork?
    While she honestly didn’t think Jude would ever physically harm her, she knew he wasn’t above using her for his gain.
    Bree was so lost in thought that when the cabbie said, “Hey, lady, you going or you want to sit here with the meter running?” she nearly jumped out of her skin.
    A glance proved they’d reached their destination. Feeling stupid, she paid the man and hopped out of the cab.
    Krewe du Chaud shared valuable warehouse space on the river, compliments of a generous member who owned a shipping business. The man didn’t actually live in Court du Chaud but was a long-standing aficionado of anything and everything Captain Dampier.
    Bree felt edgy, like an open target on the street. Shedidn’t want to wait for someone to answer the buzzer and open the front gate to let her in, so she circled the building to get out of the street.
    Resisting the urge to glance over her shoulder, she maneuvered the narrow concrete alley between the warehouses toward the river. She scanned the wharves for any signs of unwelcome faces, and finding no one around, she bypassed the back entrance and headed to the water.
    With a foot on the slimy seawall stairs, she knelt carefully and pulled Jude’s letter from her bag.
    Love of my life…not in this life!
    She tore the paper and envelope into tiny pieces and let them float down onto the muddy water for the fish.
    If Jude thought he could intimidate her, he had another think coming. She needed to go to the police. Even though Jude hadn’t actually done anything, there was a warrant out for his arrest. The police definitely would be interested that he was back in town.
    They’d be so interested that she’d get dragged into the precinct station to file a report and answer questions. They’d send officers to Court du Chaud to question her neighbors about whether anyone had seen Jude hanging around.
    That scene wouldn’t be pretty. Tally would start worrying. Christien would want to help and likely use his police connections to have every cop in New Orleans keep an eye on her. Josie would wind up finding out and doubling up the Neighborhood Watch shifts.
    She might even mention the trouble

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