Gonzo (Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club Book 7)

Gonzo (Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club Book 7) by Candace Blevins Page B

Book: Gonzo (Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club Book 7) by Candace Blevins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Candace Blevins
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couldn’t touch it. I’d still kept them locked up, but I was also certain they both had enough respect for the violence and damage a gun could wreak that they’d leave one alone if they came across it. I had no idea if Chloe and Declan had ever even seen a gun in person, and I didn’t intend to piss Connie off by bringing one.
    Still, I felt naked going into the house unarmed. This was a nice neighborhood, and her home was more of a mansion than a house, but I still didn’t like it.
    However, every other thought left my mind when the twins came running out the front door and nearly attacked me. Connie took everything out of my hands as we neared the front porch, and I sat on the bottom step and let them climb into my lap.
    “We went to the early service at church this morning so we could come home and cook!” Chloe practically squealed.
    “Wait until you see what we get to eat today!” Declan added.
    I took a deep breath and picked up just the faintest scent, and guessed, “Pork chops?”
    “How did you know!” Declan shouted.
    Chloe quickly followed up with, “You aren’t supposed to know!”
    I stood with one on each hip and walked them into the house. “I vote we go see what all there is. Your Aunt Constance is an incredible cook.”
    They gave me directions to the kitchen as we walked through the house, and I leaned to one side to set Declan down, and then the other direction to set Chloe on her feet.
    Declan is about an inch taller than Chloe, though I hadn’t noticed it at first because neither is ever still when they’re standing. They both have sandy blond hair, but Declan’s is a touch darker. I know fraternal twins aren’t identical — they come from two eggs being fertilized at the same time. Still, they look an awful lot alike, though they’re easy to tell apart. It’s possible if their hair was cut the same, though, one might have trouble.
    “Did you make them or did you have one of your girlfriends make them?” Connie asked as she moved the brownies to the island.
    “I made them. Don’t have a girlfriend.”
    She looked doubtful about the girlfriend part, but said, “I’m impressed. Thanks.”
    “Did you put the beef in the freezer?”
    “Yes, but I told you we don’t need—”
    “I know, which is why I only brought five pounds. Put it in the fridge twenty-four hours before you intend to cook it, and then let me know what you think. I’m serious about bringing however much you can store in a freezer. I’m big on eating organic when possible, and staying away from meat raised on factory farms.”
    She tilted her head. “I wouldn’t have expected that of you.”
    “Can I help with anything?”
    “I think I have everything under control. We have pitchers of water and sweet tea on the table. If you want something else we’ll need to bring it into the dining room.”
    “I’m good with water.”
    She lifted two bowls and said, “These are the last of it, let’s go.”
    She could’ve comfortably fed kings and presidents in her dining room, and I said, “You have a beautiful home,” as I helped the kids into the chairs with the little booster seats in them.
    “Thank you,” she said as she stepped back into the kitchen and opened a door to what I assumed was the back yard. “Dad! We’re about to eat!”
    She came back in shaking her head. “He’s decided my gutters need cleaning. Hard headed old man. I pay someone to take care of them but apparently he doesn’t think they can wait another three weeks.”
    She dished out food for the twins and I made note of the portions she gave them, as well as the fact Declan got green beans but Chloe didn’t.
    I looked over the table and my mouth watered at the fried pork chops, fried potatoes, green beans, cornbread, and what I believed were fried green tomatoes.
    “You’ve outdone yourself again. Who taught you to cook southern?”
    “My grandmother. She’s the reason I’m back in Chattanooga. She was in poor health when I

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