GOOD BREEDING by Katherine Forbes

Book: GOOD BREEDING by Katherine Forbes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katherine Forbes
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slender waist and then widening to the superb shoulders and graceful neck. Her dark hair was coming undone and tresses fell down from her usual bun at the nape of her neck. She began to moan and her movements took on a shuddering intensity as her climax neared. Adam could see her hands working more and more feverishly so he went to stand in front of her again and watch her face soften and melt into ecstasy as she sampled another orgasm.
    She had nearly driven him to despair by her inability to climax with him. He had lain with enough women to know that the fault wasn’t his and he knew about her strict upbringing. It was meeting Phyllis that had hatched the idea of using another woman to unlock her, but then his researches had taken a surprising turn just as his fortunes worsened and it had become imperative that Phyllis succeed. And she had in spectacular fashion. Clara had ridden his cock like a woman possessed, and had been puppy-like in her desire to please. Amateurish, certainly, but promising.
    However, he felt he would probably always prefer Phyllis’s more louche behaviour in bed over Clara’s impassioned desire to please him. But pretty soon that would not present a problem and everyone would be happy.
    Clara gave a final groan and tottered sideways a few steps then sighed and relaxed, smiling hopefully at him, her large eyes shining with devotion.
    He beckoned to her and took her in his arms, listening to her whispered declarations of love for him with nothing but smug pleasure and running his hands up and down her back.
    “I shall do with you whatever gives me pleasure from now on, Clara. If it pleases me to whip you, you shall be whipped. If it pleases me to share you with another man, you will be shared.”
    She made no protest, just a soft moan of pleasure into his shoulder.
    “You will not spend a night in bed alone from now on. If I do not require you, or if I have no plans for you, you will summon Phyllis.”
    She looked up at him in sudden dismay.
    “Yes, you silly goose!” he chided her gently. “I know all about it. I planned it, just as I will continue to plan what happens to you.” She relaxed back into his arms. “Tonight you will be caned after dinner, ” he added.
    Sir Archibald and Lady Stuart were of the opinion that Clara’s buttocks and thighs were among the finest on the island. They were displayed over the back of the same chair as Lady Stuart usually bent over and although she proved rather too noisy for the company’s taste and her snivelling a little less than attractive, she received her first ever dozen with promising willingness, and the display of welts on her tight young flesh was so exquisite that Adam had her stay where she was for the rest of the evening



    Chapter Six
    “Now you’re properly settled in, Clara,” Lady Isabelle said a week later. “We could do with your help in the mating shed tomorrow. Dorca and Phyllis will be there as well but many hands make light work and it can be a long morning in there.”
    They were strolling across the South lawn, listening to the singing coming from a field where the slaves were working.
    “Of course, I’d be delighted to help. It sounds…….interesting.”
    Isabelle looked at her young guest. She had bloomed over the past few days but there was still a long way to go before Adam could be sure she would manifest her true destiny.
    “Oh it is that!” She put her arm through Clara’s and leant closer. “Now that you are truly one of us, how do you and that handsome husband of yours fare in the bedroom? Has he beaten you since the caning?”
    Clara blushed furiously. The memory of having to hitch up her skirts and bare herself to hosts and servants alike was still a powerful one and caused a stirring in her loins as she recalled abandoning her modesty and dignity in the face of her husband’s pleasure. She had squealed and wept and wriggled under the cane but when he told her to remain bent over so

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