Good Chemistry

Good Chemistry by George Stephenson Page B

Book: Good Chemistry by George Stephenson Read Free Book Online
Authors: George Stephenson
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puzzled. “Well come on in. I’ve been hoping to talk to you since the insurance company fixed up your car. Are you happy with the way it turned out?”
    Steve could only grumble something inaudible but then asked, “Could I use your phone please?” Steve cut right to the chase. He didn’t want to be there any longer than necessary. Judy picked up the phone and pretended to dial nine-one-one.
    “Okay, I’ll put him on now.” Judy handed Steve to the land line phone and he proceeded to tell Bernie, who answered the fake call on the line in her room, about the alligator.
    After being assured of emergency assistance, Steve hung up and turned toward the door to leave.
    “Can I offer you a drink of some kind?”
    “No thanks. Thank you for letting me use your phone.”
    “Oh, please stay a moment, won’t you? I’m terribly sorry about your car. Is there any way we can get past it and be friends?”
    Steve let out a frustrated sigh. “Yeah, okay. I don’t see the harm in it.” He sat down on the couch while Judy went to the fridge.
    “Is beer okay?” she hollered into the living room.
    Her voice grated on Steve’s nerves. “Yeah that’s fine.”
    Judy poured his beer into a frosty mug from the freezer, and then squeezed the potion-filled syringe into the beer.
    Judy came in the living room and handed Steve his beer. She took a sip of her own. She watched as he took a few swallows. Nothing happened. He took a few more. Still nothing happened. The beer was already half gone.
    Steve was trying to chug it so he could get away from Judy. He drained the last of it and set the empty mug on the coffee table.
    “Well, I’d better be getting home. They’ll be arriving soon.” He got up and headed straight for the door. He was almost out. Then he clutched at the doorframe. Steve’s entire body began to quiver unnaturally. His chest expanded as he drew in deep animal-like breaths. His eyes took on a wildness.
    Suddenly, he dashed back across the living room and threw himself at Judy’s feet. “My God! What a complete fool I’ve been. All this time and you were right next door.”
    Judy looked lustfully into his brooding wild eyes. Ravenously he pulled her by the hand up off the couch.
    He showered her arm with kisses as he worked his way up. He found his way to her warm, tanned neck. He kissed her neck up and down, leaving a trail of hickies as he went. At last, his lips found their way to Judy’s yearning mouth. Steve was going wild with passion. He grabbed the front of Judy’s shirt and ripped it open. Buttons went skittering across the floor in all directions. He ravaged her silky, well-rounded breasts.
    Before either of them noticed or had a chance to react, the sound of keys jangled and the front door swung open wide. In the doorway, with expressions of pure shock on their faces, stood Judy’s mother, father, and sixteen-year-old sister.
    Steve, in a euphoric frenzy, detected three more carriers of the DNA that drove him wild. As Judy pulled her torn, button-less shirt closed over her breasts, Steve leaped over the coffee table and grabbed Mrs. Marx.
    He cradled her head and quickly buried his tongue deep in her mouth. He was consuming her tender mouth when Mr. Marx grabbed him by the shoulder and whipped him around so he could punch his damned lights out.
    He was too slow however, Steve grabbed Mr. Marx and gave him a huge bear hug and began kissing him. Mr. Marx grabbed a handful of Steve’s hair and bellowed. “Get off me, you sick son of a bitch.”
    Then Steve began eyeing Candice, Judy’s baby sister. He tumbled over sideways before he ever saw the right cross coming from Mr. Marx.
    The Marx family threw Judy a look of shock and bewilderment as Mr. Marx ushered them back out the door to the car. Where he promptly did a burnout as he floored it out of the neighborhood.
    “Oh my God! Oh my God!” Hearing all of the commotion, Bernie came rushing out of her bedroom with the antidote in a hypodermic

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