Goodness Had Nothing to Do With It
    Allison showed him into George's office with all the professional decorum at her disposal.
    Okay, you can do this. Think lion tamer. Think safety for you and your family.
    Veronica's short self-lecture did nothing to slow the pulse that had begun throbbing at the base of her throat at the first sign of Marcus's golden hair above the cubicle walls. He was obviously headed in her direction. She slid shut the file drawer she had been looking in and sat in her desk chair, trying to compose her features in a cool mask before Marcus entered her cubicle.
    After several deep breaths and a few more bracing self-directives, she felt ready.
    About as ready as a four-year-old to go toe-to-toe with a grown-up.
    Marcus walked in, filling the small space with his distinctly male presence. Other men had been in her cubicle, dozens of them, but not one had dominated the enclosure as Marcus did.
    "Good morning, Ronnie. I trust you slept well last night."
    She'd tossed and turned in her bed for hours, gnawing on their conversation in her mind.
    "Like a baby," she said and forced herself not to wince at the poor choice of words.
    The last thing she needed right now was a reminder of the guilt she felt at not yet telling Marcus about their child. Even if he didn't want to know, she still felt guilty.
    He smiled, his eyes mocking her lie. "I'm glad. I
    wouldn't want to think you might have been upset about anything I said on the phone last night."
    He knew she hadn't slept a wink. The rat. "About that…"
    Shecould do this. Just call his bluff and it would all be over. She'd be safe at Kline Tech and he would have gotten the revenge he clearly needed. It was all very balanced, very logical… and very terrifying.
    He shook his head with feigned regret. "Sorry. I don't have time to get into it now. I just stopped by to see if you could get me on Jack's calendar for lunch sometime this week."
    She stared at him, feeling her mouth drop open in ridiculous amazement. The man was blackmailing her but didn't have time to go into it?
    "You want an appointment for lunch with Jack?" She felt like she was strangling on her own voice.
    "That about covers it." He thrust his hands in his pockets and leaned against the doorway. "Oh, I also wouldn't mind some help getting a temporary office set up. I should have asked Kline's personal assistant, but he got a phone call shortly after I arrived for our meeting this morning and I didn't think of it. Is that something you can do?"
    "Of course." Hadn't Mr. Kline practically ordered her to help Marcus in any way he needed?
    "So, what day do you think would work for Jack?"
    Disoriented by the mundane question when she had psyched herself up for a confrontation, she forced herself to focus on the computer screen. She clicked into Jack's calendar. "Tuesday or Thursday would be best. He can take a long lunch either day."
    "Let's make it Thursday. I'm still getting my feet wet around here and want to wait to meet with him after I have a better feel for Kline Technology's environment."
    She nodded. He and Alex had always taken their consulting services very seriously. They didn't just steer clients to particular investments because of earning potential but took the time to match their clients with other strategic fits.
    She entered the appointment into Jack's calen dar and then turned back to face Marcus. "You're set. I'll send an e-mail to Jack letting him know I put you on the calendar for Thursday."
    Marcus pushed away from the door and moved toward her. Mesmerized by the suddenly intent look swirling in his aquamarine eyes, she waited to see what he would do.
    When he was just a couple of feet away, he reached out and caressed the line of her jaw with one finger. "You're pretty damn efficient, Ronnie. We miss you in the office. Your replacement isn't nearly as organized."
    A short laugh of

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