Greatest Zombie Movie Ever

Greatest Zombie Movie Ever by Jeff Strand

Book: Greatest Zombie Movie Ever by Jeff Strand Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jeff Strand
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two pages an hour. He could make up for the previous hour’s shortfall by accelerating his pace throughout the upcoming hour, which would be really easy once he built up some momentum.
    Then Mom made him take out the garbage and recyclables, which messed up his momentum.
    Mom and Dad were watching a television show that looked highly entertaining, but Justin resisted the temptation to join them and returned to his room.
    By eight o’clock he hadn’t written much more. He wouldn’t count that against himself because of the distraction with the garbage, which wasn’t his fault. He’d get it done. He’d been in this position many times. He worked best under pressure.
    Did they really need to get the movie shot before Gabe left for the summer?
    Justin was appalled at himself for allowing that traitorous thought to creep into his mind. Of course he did. They were a team. He didn’t want to make the movie without him. They’d been best friends forever. And though Gabe’s job was to be the voice of reason, Justin knew that he’d be genuinely heartbroken if they finished the movie while he was gone.
    Making the movie without Gabe was not an option. The only options he needed to worry about right now were these: Coffee or Red Bull?
    Maybe both.
    The surgeon general would probably say, “Goodness, no, you shouldn’t have coffee and Red Bull at the same time!” but the surgeon general didn’t have a screenplay to write, so he could just keep his whiny opinions to himself.
    He wrote for another two caffeine-free hours, racking up four unspeakably awesome new pages. After Mom and Dad went to bed, he went into the kitchen and made a cup of coffee with the Keurig. Then he grabbed a Red Bull out of the refrigerator and returned to his room.
    He chugged the Red Bull in a few quick gulps, took a sip of coffee, and returned to work. He was sooooo tired, but artificial stimulants would take care of that problem. A couple of minutes later, he’d finished the cup of coffee too.
    Veronica punches the zombie in the face, causing its eyeballs to pop out and dangle from their stalks. The eyeballs bounce against each other a couple of times before the zombie falls to the ground.
    A noise behind her! Veronica spins around and gasps in horror as a zombie in a lion tamer’s outfit reaches for her with both hands anddddddddddddddddddd
    Justin snapped awake. He needed another Red Bull.
    If Mom or Dad weren’t asleep, one or both of them would probably try to dissuade him from the decision to consume another energy drink. So he was glad that they were asleep. He needed wings.
    He went to the kitchen, got another Red Bull out of the refrigerator, and gulped it down. Oh yeah. He could feel the creativity flowing through his veins already. Every blood cell, both white and red, was electrified with pure energy. With this much power at his disposal, maybe he’d crank out two movie scripts tonight!
    Ha-ha. He was just joking with himself. He’d stick with the one script as planned.
    His right pinkie was twitching. Good. It could tap the keys faster.
    Ah, so that’s what a rapid heartbeat felt like! He’d always kind of wondered. This project was giving him the opportunity to enjoy all sorts of new experiences.
    â€¦reaches for her with both hands and misses. Veronica slams her forehead into the zombie’s forehead. Her forehead is much more durable, and the zombie’s head shatterslikeglass.
    Space bar. He had to remember to use the space bar.
    Despite all of this awesome energy, Justin still felt exhausted like he’d been running for several miles but couldn’t stop because some guy with a machete was still chasing him. He couldn’t figure out if his body was awake and his brain was tired or vice versa.
    Now his left pinkie was twitching. That would help balance things out.
    â€¦shatters like glass. The zombie falls to the ground. Veronica steps on

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