Gregor and the Marks of Secret-4
table ready to load up his plate when Luxa came up and grabbed his hand. "Come, Gregor. Hazard says you must be my partner for this dance."

    "Luxa, I can't dance, okay? I think I've made that clear," Gregor said.

    "But this is a simple dance, and the words tell you exactly what to do. Come, or Hazard will think you do not like his party," she pleaded.

    Gregor sighed and reluctantly put down his plate.

    "All right, but just this one dance." He let Luxa lead him out onto the field. Another circle was forming, but this time everyone had a partner.

    "Start by bowing to me, and then just follow the words," said Luxa. Suddenly the music began and Gregor found himself bowing like some character out of a cartoon.

    "Join the dance and come be merry.

    Take my hand and do not tarry.

    One, two, three steps up,

    One, two, three steps back.

    Turn around

    Off the ground

    And set down what you carry. "

    He didn't do too badly. That last part about "off the ground and set down what you carry"
    was a bit tricky. He was supposed to lift Luxa up, spin her around, and set her back down. He did it, about four beats behind everyone else, and then suddenly Luxa was gone and he was weaving around the circle, catching one person's hand and then the next, until he found himself back face-to-face with Luxa, bowing again.

    "Join the dance and conquer sadness.

    Take my hand and banish madness.

    One, two, three steps up,

    One, two, three steps back.

    Turn around

    Off the groundand give yourself to gladness."

    Off he went again, making his way around the circle. By the third verse, while he would never admit it, Gregor was actually beginning to enjoy himself.

    "Join the dance and be lighthearted.

    Take my hand lest we be parted.

    One, two, three steps up,

    One, two, three steps back.

    Turn around

    Off the ground

    And finish what you started. "

    At this point, people stepped back from their partners for one final bow. As Gregor straightened up he found himself looking into Luxa's violet eyes. Her cheeks were pink from the dancing. She was laughing, but not at him.

    "You did very well," she said.

    "Yeah, right," said Gregor.

    At that moment two unexpected things happened. Gregor realized that he thought Luxa was pretty. And a gold crown dropped out of the air and landed on the ground, squarely between them.


    Gregor automatically raised his head to see where the crown had come from. A big orange-and-black-speckled bat was circling above them. Gregor recognized him as one of the bats who frequently delivered messages.

    "For you, Your Highness," said the bat. "Sent by a nibbler I encountered at Queenshead.
    She said that you would know its meaning."

    Luxa laughed. "It means I was again forgetful of where I laid my crown, Hermes. I thank you for your trouble."

    The bat flew off. Luxa picked up the crown and began to head off the field. Her hand lifted in the air to signal Aurora. Puzzled, Gregor ran a few steps to catch up with her. "Hey, isn't that the crown you gave the mice in case they—"

    Luxa clenched his arm and spoke in a hushed voice. "Please, Gregor, tell no one what I said that day. And do not let Hazard or Nike know the crown has been returned. They, too, may remember its meaning and speak of it." She looked anxiously around the arena. Hazard was happily pointing out the animals on his cake to Howard. Nike had been around earlier, but she was nowhere in sight now.

    "So? Why can't anyone know?" asked Gregor.

    "I will explain after the party. I beg you, keep your silence until I have a chance to speak privately with you," said Luxa.

    "Okay," said Gregor in confusion.

    Luxa took a few steps and leaped into the air onto Aurora's back.

    Gregor scanned the crowd to see if anyone had noticed the odd sequence of events. Even if they had, only Gregor, Aurora, Nike, Hazard, and Boots had been present when Luxa gave the crown to the mice. They had been in the jungle, preparing to return home. To thank the

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