concerning the shapes of pyramids and their relationship to π/2, we have a very odd constellation of things indeed, for clearly the pyramidal shape, the numbers encoded in them, and the relationship of Tikal, Chichen Itza and virtually every other site on the Grid to Giza, means that we are living inside a ruined machine of planetary extent. We have furthermore seen that, insofar as the deepest physics is concerned, that machine was intended somehow to manipulate the physical medium itself.
So is there a relationship between that deep physics, consciousness, and sacrifice? And if so, what is it?
To answer that question, we need more data, and we will find it, further north, at Teotihuacan, and with the Aztecs.
1 Dennis Tedlock, trans. The Popol Vuh: The Mayan Book of the Dawn of Life (Simon and Schuster, 1996), p. 139.
2 Ibid., pp. 23, 25.
3 Tedlock , Popol Vuh , p. 25.
4 Ibid.
5 Ibid., p. 30. See also the discussion of the possible identity of one of its authors, Christóbal Velasco, on pp. 56-57.
6 Tedlock , Popol Vuh , p. 45.
7 Popol Vuh , trans. Dennis Tedlock , pp. 64-65, emphasis added.
8 Ibid., p. 63, emphasis added.
9 Popol Vuh , trans. Dennis Tedlock, pp. 66-68.
10 Popol Vuh , trans. Dennis Tedlock, pp. 68-69.
11 See my The Cosmic War , pp. 139-150. I note in those pages the Seven Sages of Mesopotamian legend. Thus, one has yet another connection between Mesopotamia and India, where the seven Rishis fulfill the same function.
12 Popol Vuh , trans Dennis Tedlock, pp. 70-71.
13 Ibid.,p.73 .
14 Ibid., p. 145.
15 Popol Vuh , trans. Dennis Tedlock , p. 146.
16 Ibid.,P.147.
17 Popol Vuh , trans. Dennis Tedlock, pp. 147-148, all emphases added.
18 Genesis 11:1-9.
19 Genesis 11: 4.
20 The final version of the Documentary Hypothesis has the second chapter of Genesis and its creation account being the oldest, but earlier versions of the theory had the first chapter being the oldest.
21, from http://www. This is an excellent website of information aboutthe Mayans.
22 Carl P. Munck, The Master Code Book , p. 166.
23 Ibid.
24 Joseph P Farrell, The Giza Death Star Deployed , pp. 267-268.
25 Volodymyr Krasnoholovets, “Submicroscopic Deterministic Quantum Mechanic,” p. 1, cited in The Giza Death Star Deployed , p. 268.
26 Ibid., p. 13, cited in The Giza Death Star Deployed , p. 269.
27 Krasnoholovets, “Submicroscopic Deterministic Quantum Mechanic,” p. 20, emphasis added, cited in The Giza Death Star Deployed , p. 269.
28 Joseph P. Farrell, The Giza Death Star Deployed , pp. 269-270.
29 Krasnoholovets, “On the Way to Disclosing the Mysterious Power of the Great Pyramid,” p. 14, cited in The Giza Death Star Deployed , p. 271.
30 Ibid.
31 Krasnoholovets, “On the Way to Disclosing the Mysterious Power of the Great Pyramid,” p. 14, cited in The Giza Death Star Deployed , p. 271.
32 Munck, Whispers From Time , Volume I, p. 127.
33 Munck, Whispers from Time , Volume 1, p. 109.
34 Popol Vuh , trans. Tedlock , p. 99.
35 Popol Vuh , trans. Tedlock, p. 97.
36 Ibid., p. 101.
37 Genesis 8:20-21a.
38 Popol Vuh , trans. Tedlock, p., 134.
39 Popol Vuh , trans. Tedlock , p. 136, emphasis added.
“…in fine, leaving Christ out of view (as if nothing had ever been known of him),
it proves, by absolute reasons, the impossibility that any man should be saved without him.” Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury (d. 1081) 1
T here is a dissonance — a discord, an unresolved suspension without a cadence, an unending stretto in a cacophonous fugue that reaches no conclusion - in this otherwise heavenly music of the spheres, and it is bloody sacrifice or, in the case of Meso-America and elsewhere, bloody human sacrifice. Why this practice should have arisen at some locations
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Margaret Weis
Susan R. Matthews
Daniel Bergner
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Gil Scott Heron
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C M Gray