Guns n' Boys Book 1 Part 1

Guns n' Boys Book 1 Part 1 by K.A. Merikan Page A

Book: Guns n' Boys Book 1 Part 1 by K.A. Merikan Read Free Book Online
Authors: K.A. Merikan
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heart and
making him feel like a cartoon villain.
    With the rain, it
quickly became cool inside, and he gently moved his fingers to warm them up. A
slight knocking made him look up, deeper into the side nave, where statues and
big imposing confessionals drowned in the shadows. He frowned, hearing the
knock again. He swallowed, now glad his father had given him a gun. The sounds
were becoming louder, and he approached the confessional at the end of the
aisle, gun heavy in his hand. His heart was in his throat when he looked at the
thick red velvet curtain of the old wooden confessional, the angels carved on
it looking at Seth with their hands clasped together. Through the furious
pulsing in his ears, he could hear muffled voices. Drawing in a sharp breath,
he yanked the curtain to the side, stepping back with the gun raised high, but
his hands fell along with his stomach. He felt sick.
    Domenico was spooning
another man on the kneeler inside. It wouldn’t take a genius to understand what
was going on. Their pants were pulled down, and Seth got an eyeful of
Domenico’s ass in what was possibly the only time he didn’t want to see a
gorgeous male ass. Both men looked back at him, and the stranger writhed in
Dom’s embrace, his eyes going wide like a dog’s that got caught stealing
sausage. Domenico wouldn’t let him go though. Within a few moves, he clasped
the guy’s mouth shut with his hand and forced his face into the wooden grille
between the compartments. He fucked the exposed ass in quick, sharp jabs. His
eyes though were on Seth, pale, clear, challenging.
    Seth inhaled deeply and
couldn’t believe what he was seeing. He had to force himself not to pull the
trigger. He stood there, watching, shaking in utter shock but couldn’t help
feeling scared as well, even though it was him with the gun in his hand.
Domenico didn’t even look away, just kept on fucking. Fucking a guy. Fuck.
Fuck. Fuck.
    Seth couldn’t believe
it. The cold-blooded beast was even fucking like a demon. “Do you have no
shame?” he yelled in disbelief, and his voice resonated between the ancient
walls. At the back of his mind, the realization that Domenico was having sex in
a church, at Seth’s mother’s funeral, was making him completely numb with rage.
But all the answer he got was a groan and a choir of slaps as Domenico’s eyes
glazed over.
    “Are you fucking kidding
me? Get out!” Seth screamed at him, but his voice shook. Anger flowed through
him in the most primal form. These men had no respect for the funeral, and Seth
wanted to rip them apart, but in the end, he took a step back, his face and
ears on fire.
    The loud, prolonged
groan in Domenico’s rich baritone told him the bastard was coming. Seth looked
back just in time to see his cock slip out from between the other guy’s buttocks.
At least Dom’s partner had the decency to hide his face in shame as he quickly
pulled up his pants.
    Seth lowered his gun and
watched Dom lazily follow the example. He couldn’t hate his guts more, yet a
shiver went all the way down his chest as he observed Dom rearrange his
clothes. The fucker was too sexy for his own good, and Seth was afraid of just
how attracted he was to those darkened lips. Dom’s deep breaths and loose
strands of his hair only reminded Seth of the way he’d fucked just seconds ago.
The sexual tension was so strong Seth felt a tingle in his lips. He barely even
noticed the other guy quietly slip away, too transfixed on Dom rearranging his
hair with a slight smile.
    “You fucker,” Seth
finally choked up and pulled Dom up by the front of his jacket, but the smile
never left Domenico’s lips like it was all a big joke.
    “Oh, fuck off,” he said,
without even raising a finger in his defense.
    “No way! What do you
think you’re doing?” Seth shook him, ignoring the sharp pain in his hand where
his finger was missing. He pushed Domenico against the wall of the
confessional, barely managing to breathe when the

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