"Keep my mouth shut, see?"
I'd never wanted to hold a gun before in my life, let alone fire one at a thug's head. Tonight was a night for firsts, it seemed.
How had everything changed so drastically, so irrevocably, so dangerously in such a short space of time? My world was spiralling out of control, my life on a crash course with disaster.
And all I could see, in the swirl of frightening colours to ground me, was green. Mesmerising, vibrant, sincere green. But I couldn't trust it just because the colour called to me. I couldn't trust anyone.
As I slipped out of my jeans and t-shirt, removed my bra and replaced my knickers with my dancing thong, then pushed my reluctant feet into six inch heels, I had never felt so alone before in my life.
This was where my choices had brought me. I was an exotic dancer and little else.
My degree meant nothing as the music started out in the lounge where Jaxon had placed a pole for me to dance around - just for him. My perfect picture recall and impressive computer hacking skills were pointless as I crossed the dimmed room and laid a bare, sweating hand against the cool metal of the pole. The love of my father and the values he'd taught me were useless right now, as Sala slowly undid his belt buckle, reaching inside his pants to what lay beneath.
I closed my eyes, shut down my senses, and pretended this was a night, like so many before it, on stage at the Champagne & Chandeliers Gentleman's Club.
Stripped back and laid bare in a way I had never been before, I felt the tears slowly trickle down my cheeks throughout the entire wretched and vile performance.
I didn't hang around when it was finished to see if Sala was pleased.
Experience had taught me that they always were.
Chapter 6
Knowing I Wanted It To Be Me
The keyboard shattered under my too tight grip. As soon as I heard the crack of plastic I hurled the fucking thing across the room, making it disintegrate into a hundred different little pieces of high end tech.
I heard it all. Every fucking disgusting, foul word out of that... dead... man's... mouth. I flexed my fingers, checked the waistband of my jeans and pulled my gun. The sound of the chamber reloading filled the air as the music at Amber's apartment abruptly switched off.
"Good show, ballerina!" Sala Tuiloma so-fucking-dead Lauofo yelled. "I see you tomorrow, maybe we do a repeat."
The door clicked shut, I was guessing out in the hallway. Wherever Amber had laid her cellphone down - with the listening device I'd attached to it at the pub - was closer to the "show" than the entranceway where Lauofo had just escaped.
Escaped. Not for long, fucker!
"You done?" an amused voice sounded out behind me. "Or you wanna give the keyboard over there a run for its money as well?"
"Fuck off, Savill," I snarled.
"Dude, just sayin'. Quite a temper you got yourself there. Too long inside these four walls."
And that was unfortunately the God's honest truth. I had never wanted to get back out on the streets as much as I did right now. First stop: Lauofo. Next: Jaxon Fucking Harding and a bomb under C&C's floor.
"Shit!" I said with force.
"Girl knew what she was getting into bed with," Adam supplied.
"Did she? I'm not so sure," I muttered.
"Look. I get it. You feel like you know her. Fuck, three years talking it up on-line gotta be fucking with your head 'bout now. But she's a stripper, man. Sleeps with, nah, lives with a fucking psychopathic murderer. That little performance would have been routine. Besides, we only got ears in there, no eyes. Who's to say she wasn't smiling through the whole fucking thing."
I shook my head. Everything out of Savill's lips could be right.
My gut didn't buy it.
She'd looked so fucking fragile at that pub. So scared. So unsure. Why did she stop running? Why go back and put yourself through that degrading experience to...
To hide meeting me in a pub.
Ah, fuck it. This was all my fault. Amber just practically whored herself out to keep
T. Kingfisher
Em Petrova
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Olivia Ritch
Edna O’Brien