Sweet Seduction Stripped

Sweet Seduction Stripped by Nicola Claire Page B

Book: Sweet Seduction Stripped by Nicola Claire Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicola Claire
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sweet face out of my mind, I knew I wouldn't be sleeping. I slipped into my SUV, switched on some heavy metal and drove to Parnell.
    Parking outside 104 Saint Stephen's Ave I waited for the familiar gleaming black Hummer, with chrome spinners on the low riding wheels, to pull into the garage beneath the building.
    Once it did, I lasted ten minutes before I had to leave.
    Knowing the fucking prick had made it to Amber's side, slipped beneath the sheets and joined her.
    Knowing I wanted it to be me.
    Sometimes this job just fucking sucked.

Chapter 7
That's My Girl
    I felt the bed dip, my stomach went with it. My heart, on the other hand, ended up in my throat. A too familiar sensation this evening. I could smell him. He'd showered before he came to bed. Probably at the club before he left. Probably to hide the smell of the women on his skin, not the stench of cigars and alcohol as I'd assumed in the past.
    Everything was different. Nothing was what I had thought.
    I'd never loved him, the way I'd thought he'd loved me. But my heart was hurting all the same. A dull ache that combined with the utter fear I also felt left me slightly confused and adrift... and raw.
    I'd liked the life we'd shared. The way he worshipped not only my body, but me. But what I thought I'd seen was not the truth. He'd played me so well. The realisation that I was a possession and nothing more was perhaps the hardest to take.
    No, I'd be a pretty shallow person if that was the truth. The realisation that Jaxon had killed, was involved in the shipment of drugs, amongst other things, that is what's the hardest to take.
    Dark, but also capable of such gentle care.
    I'd thought he'd loved me. But a man who grins as he puts a bullet in a person's head isn't capable of love.
    God, I felt sick.
    "Baby, I know you're awake," he whispered into the dimness of the room, wrapping an arm around my waist, hauling me back against his stomach and chest, spooning me from behind.
    I couldn't talk. If I talked, I'd vomit.
    Silence for an infinite length of time, or so it seemed.
    He could kill me, so easily. The muscles on his thick arms were rock hard, as though he was restraining himself from doing exactly that.
    "I've been good to you, haven't I?" he murmured, his face nestling into the back of my hair, inhaling deeply. "I've taken good care of you, baby, I know I have." His hand smoothed down over my stomach, what little was inside churned. His too large palm laid flat over my pubic bone, not cupping me, but letting me know he could with a simple flex of his fingers. "I know what makes you scream my name," he growled. "I've spent hours learning this body, what makes it burn."
    I'd stopped breathing. My vision had turned completely black. My heart fluttered uselessly inside my aching chest, like a dying bird beating its wings one final, futile time.
    I could feel his erection pressing into my rear. I'd never felt true fear until this second.
    "All I think about is being inside you, near you," he said, his lips finding skin down the side of my neck. "You drive me crazy. All night long I want to be here on this bed, balls deep in that so fucking sweet pussy. I'm consumed with the need to possess every part of you."
    He knew. Sal must have told him. He felt threatened and he was going all caveman.
    This would not end well.
    I tried to find a place inside me that I could retreat to and hide. I tried to block out the sensation of his tongue on my skin licking, his teeth nibbling, the rock of hips against my butt. I couldn't. Oh, God. I couldn't. This was going to be bad.
    "And you are mine, Amber," he growled, biting hard on my shoulder, making me cry out in pain involuntarily, then suck in a shuddering breath of air at the fact I'd made a sound at all.
    Somehow I was sure if I remained silent this wouldn't be as bad as I thought.
    "Baby," he soothed. "I'd never hurt you."
    Liar. He was hurting me right now.
    "I love you," he added, sucking on the skin behind my

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