Hathor Legacy: Outcast

Hathor Legacy: Outcast by Deborah A Bailey

Book: Hathor Legacy: Outcast by Deborah A Bailey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Deborah A Bailey
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it was still clogged with pedestrians streaming back and forth. Straining to keep as much space as possible between herself and the people around her, she folded her arms across her chest as she walked. 
    Even the slightest contact could leave her reeling from the emotions of the pe rson she touched. Normally Nadira was able to relax and let the feelings pass through her. But right now, surrounded by so many people, she felt a bit overwhelmed.
    At the base of the footbridge, she noticed that Jon was staring at her. Better not to let him see how uncomfortable she was. She dropped her arms to her sides.
    "Where to now?" Jon asked, as he watched the transports moving past.
    "You never mentioned why you decided not to stay with Matt Bento."
    "We had a difference of opinion."
    He wasn't going to share anything more right now. In fact, she could feel the tension unde rneath his calm expression. "Are you going back home?"
    Jonathan glared at her. "I'm not going anywhere until I find out what happened to my father. Besides, the shuttle for Astarte doe sn't leave for 5 days. I couldn't go now if I wanted to."
    A couple walked past them, so wrapped up in each other that they bumped into Jonathan. He absently nodded to them as they apologized, then continued on.
    "Guess we're in the way," he said, as he took her arm and led her over to the side. "Look, I'm going to the Emerald Club to check in. Why don't you come with me?"
    Why was he standing so close? Did he realize how hard it was to look into those grey eyes and stay focused on her work? Not to mention she wasn't used to having to look up to make eye co ntact with anyone.
    Jon was very much aware of the effect he had on women. All that smiling and touching. He knew exactly what he was doing to her. But she was determined to keep her distance and stay d etached. No matter how hard she had to work at it.
    She placed her hands against his chest and nudged him. He took a step back, but she felt him resist being moved more than that. Underneath her palms she could feel his heartbeat pulsing against her. It was causing all kinds of reactions in her body that she didn't want to think about right now.
    "Do you like touching me?" he asked, a slow smile on his lips.
    She jerked her hands away as though she'd been burned. "You don't have to stand so close."
    "I thought we were friends. We just had dinner didn't we? Come walk with me. We can talk on the way."
    She didn't want to go anywhere with him. How dare he ask her such a thing. Who did he think he was?
    "I could use your help. Okay?"
    Another smile. Why did he keep doing that? Brant had i nstructed her to protect Jon. And who knows, Ilana Travac might show up. Yes, it made sense to go with him. It was part of her job.
    "We should take a transport," Nadira replied. "It'll be quicker."  
    Inside the vehicle, Jonathan stretched out his legs on the opp osite seat. The cushions were rather comfortable. And as the vehicle trundled along the streets, he had to fight to keep his eyes open.
    "Nova Entertainments welcomes you!"
    Startled, he jumped up. "What? Who said that?"
    "It's from up there. We're coming into the Entertainment di strict," Nadira replied.
    Through the clear roof of the transport he saw a huge vid screen projecting images of people dancing, laughing, and wal king. Aircars zoomed by, swooping down to avoid other craft.
    Music blasted from the clubs and restaurants, one tune mixing with another and another until he couldn't tell where one ended and the next began. The bustle on the streets was waking him up. Jon patted the seat cushion to the beat.
    "Do you come to this district often?" he asked, guessing what her answer would be.
    "I have no reason to."
    Based on Nadira's discomfort when they were in the plaza, he could tell she didn't like crowds. Even sitting here in the transport she'd left as much space between them as possible. If she moved over any more, she'd be outside.
    "You don't like having fun? he

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