Haven Of Obedience

Haven Of Obedience by Marina Anderson

Book: Haven Of Obedience by Marina Anderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marina Anderson
Tags: Fiction, Erótica
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to learn. I warned you that you were going to find it difficult. Let’s see if Heather has better luck than you.’
    ‘Can’t we try again?’ asked Natalie. She knew that if she could only have one more try, if she closed her eyes and allowed him to do what he wanted, then the pleasure would come again. She was frantic to feel the glorious excitement once more.
    ‘You only get one turn,’ Simon said curtly. Then, catching hold of her hand, he pulled her off the bed. ‘Put your nightdress and robe back on, and see if you can learn by watching Heather.’
    ‘I don’t
to watch Heather,’ she muttered.
    ‘Then you should have done as you were told, shouldn’t you? Come along, Heather. Do you think you can do better than Natalie?’
    Heather didn’t answer. She was clearly turned on by what she’d been watching, and for a moment Natalie hated her. If she’d gone second, then she’d probably have done better. It was unfair of Simon to make her have the first turn, and she knew that he’d done it on purpose to make it more difficult for her.
    As Heather climbed on to the bolster, and Simon began to caress her slightly larger breasts, Natalie remembered how it had felt when he’d touched her. She shivered. Her whole body was becoming aroused again, and there was nothing she could do about it. She was going to have to watch while Heather received allthe pleasuring that she, Natalie, had so foolishly thrown away.
    Simon did all the things to Heather that he’d done to Natalie. As far as Natalie could tell there was no difference at all in his approach, and this upset her because while he’d been touching her it had seemed personal. She’d believed that he felt something for her. Watching him now, she saw that she’d been wrong. It was as he’d said: he was simply doing his job – and, by the sound of the noises that Heather was making, doing it very well.
    When Marc started licking between Heather’s toes the other woman became frantic with excitement, allowing the pleasure to swamp her and not resisting it as Natalie had done. When Marc had finished and stood back from the bed, Heather did attempt to wriggle free as Simon placed his body on top of hers. But the brief moment of resistance quickly passed once she felt him pressing against her pubic mound. Soon Natalie saw the pink flush of arousal spreading over Heather’s chest and neck.
    She could imagine only too well the pressure that was building inside the other woman. The wonderful tightening of her muscles, the piercing shards of pleasure that were almost certainly shooting through her lower belly as Simon moved up and down her soft, moist flesh before sliding into her welcoming entrance.
    Unlike Natalie, Heather was moaning aloud with excitement and she made no attempt to control Simon in any way. In fact, she seemed to be lost in her own world, a world made up entirely of sensations, sensations that Natalie, standing helplessly as she watched, could only remember and regret. It quickly became obvious that, unlike Natalie, Heather was going to climax. Natalie, who had never before watched a couple having sex like this, wondered if she was goingto come as well. She felt ready to, but her body needed a caress, an intimate touch and she knew that Marc wouldn’t be allowed to touch her.
    After several minutes, Simon’s pace quickened, but he was still well in control of himself. The same couldn’t be said for Heather, whose breathing was loud and rapid. Then, with a keening cry, she came. Natalie watched as Heather’s body twisted and turned beneath Simon’s lean hardness until suddenly the other woman’s eyes closed and she lay still and relaxed, her body limp.
    ‘Was that the first time you’ve ever come when you were underneath a man?’ Simon asked dispassionately. His clipped voice shattered the erotically charged atmosphere in the room.
    ‘Yes,’ admitted Heather.
    ‘You did very well. We’ll be able to try you with someone else later

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