Having His Baby

Having His Baby by Beverly Barton Page A

Book: Having His Baby by Beverly Barton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Beverly Barton
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Contemporary
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accepting him into your life. You do not want this man! You do not need this man!
    Liar, that damn pesky little voice said.
    "I should change her diaper and then nurse her," Donna told him. "And I'd like a little privacy."
    "Look, sugar, there's no need to be shy around me," Jake said, sitting up straight. He shifted Louisa so that she rested higher on his chest. "I've seen it all, remember?"
    Donna noticed that Jake's jeans were unbuttoned. A shiver raced up her spine. Her femininity tightened and released as it recalled the intense pleasure this man's big, hard body had given her.
    "Yes, I remember. But that doesn't mean you can—"
    "I'm sleeping in here with you," he said. "I can't be of much help with Sugar Baby if I'm across the hall. I sleep like the dead, so I wouldn't hear you if you called me. But if you touch me, I'll wake instantly."
    She stomped her foot. "Dammit, will you stop calling her 'Sugar Baby.' Her name is Louisa. Do you hear me? L-o-u-i-s-a!"
    Jake took a thorough inventory of Donna as she glared at him. She had loosened her mane of mahogany-red hair. It fell down her back and across her shoulders like strands of fire. Her large, milk-filled breasts rose and fell with each labored breath. He wanted to watch her feed their child. He wanted to caress her and taste her sweetness for himself.
    "Come on and show me how to change Louisa's dia per," he said, emphasizing the baby's name. "Then we can go to bed and you can nurse her and get her to sleep."
    "You are not sleeping in the bed with me!"
    "Yes, I am."
    "No, you are not!"
    "Who's going to stop me?"
    "I'll call …" Who would she call? Not Hank or Caleb. And certainly none of her colleagues. "I'll call the police!"
    "No, you won't. Just think of the scandal," Jake said.
    "If you touch me, I'll … I'll kill you."
    Jake stood, walked across the room and laid Louisa down on the bed. "Show me how to change her diaper."
    "Did you hear me?" Donna planted her hands on her hips.
    "I know we can't have sex until you recover from having my baby. I'm not some brute who's going to force himself on you." Jake fumbled with the pack of diapers lying on the nightstand, ripped open the wrong end and finally retrieved a diaper. "I'm going to sleep beside you tonight, but I won't touch you. When Louisa needs you, I'll hand her over to you. Otherwise, you rest and let me take care of my daughter."
    Donna removed her robe, tossed it on the foot of the bed and walked over to stand beside Jake. "Unsnap her sleeper, then open the Velcro tabs on her diaper and take it off." Donna demonstrated by doing, then she pointed to a square box on the nightstand beside the package of diapers. "There are wipes in there, just pull one out, clean her little bottom, then dispose of both diaper and wipe in the Diaper Genie—" She removed a wipe, then pointed to a pink-and-white contraption in the corner. "After that, slip a new diaper under her, adjust the tabs, fold them like this—" she pulled his big hand down and allowed him to finish the process "—and it's that simple."
    "I suppose a dirty diaper is more complicated, huh?" Jake teased.
    Donna didn't smile. She was furious with him and was certain he knew it. She snapped Louisa's sleeper closed, lifted the child into her arms, kicked off her house slippers and eased herself into bed, sliding her legs under the light covers.
    "Will you at least have the decency to turn your back while I nurse Louisa?" Donna began unbuttoning her gown.
    "I want to watch while you nurse her." Jake's voice possessed a deep, smoky sensuality.
    Donna shivered. "Please, Jake, I'd rather …"
    Jake sat on the edge of the mattress, reached over and finished unbuttoning her gown, then he spread it apart and looked at the nursing bra Donna wore. He studied it momentarily before he glanced up into her face. Her lips were slightly parted. Her eyes were wide and focused on his hands. Her cheeks flushed.
    He unsnapped the hook that held the flap in place, then

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