Hawke's Tor

Hawke's Tor by E. V. Thompson

Book: Hawke's Tor by E. V. Thompson Read Free Book Online
Authors: E. V. Thompson
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possible given the circumstances, but we do need to talk to them.’
    For some moments Bessie thought over what Amos had said. Arriving at a decision, she nodded her head vigorously. ‘It might not hurt to have some husbands reminded of their shortcomings. I’ll tell you of a couple of Kerensa’s affairs that everyone knew of. One was with George Kendall who lives down by the bridge at Berriow, just below the village here. He’s a nasty piece of work who used to be a gamekeeper up at Trelyn until Morgan came along and gave him the sack – possibly because he’d heard about what had gone on between Kendall and his wife. Kendall went to work up at the Notter mine then but he’s well known for being handy with his fists, especially where his own wife is concerned. She had two black eyes the day I went to deliver her fifth – another girl – less than a year ago, and she’s due her sixth any time now. His affair with Kerensa was the talk of the village for a long time and he wasn’t very happy when she upped and married Morgan.

    â€˜Then there’s Jowan Hodge. He’s a miner, a hard worker and one of the few to make and keep his money when he was working up at the Phoenix mine. He bid for a pitch that turned out to contain a very rich lode and used his earnings to buy shares in the mine. They paid off handsomely and he’s worth a bob or two now. That’s probably the reason Kerensa latched on to him. Gossip had it they were planning to go off together – and this was after she’d married Morgan. Fortunately, Jowan came to his senses and settled down again with his wife who is a good, sound woman. She comes from a Christian family and goes off preaching when the call comes to her.
    â€˜That’s two of ’em for you to be getting on with … but you should have a word with Alfie Kittow too. He’s landlord at the Ring o’ Bells, right here in the village. Kerensa worked for him – and again, this is just rumour – it might not have been only Alfie’s customers she kept happy. If Florrie, Alfie’s wife, was at the pub she’d tell you a different story. She and Alfie have always been a close couple, but Florrie hasn’t been there for a while. She’s lost a few babies in the past, most being stillborn and she’s desperate for a child. She went away a while ago and Alfie spread word she was expecting again and had gone back to her family, somewhere outside Cornwall so they would be around to help when her time came, but his story never convinced me. She never looked very pregnant – and I should know a pregnant woman when I see one! I think she might have another reason for going away, but no doubt you’ll be able to get to the bottom of it.
    â€˜Anyway, you wanted some names and now you’ve got ’em, so you can get on your way before I get a bad name for talking too much to policemen.’ Tom had been taking notes while Bessie was talking and now he shut his notebook gratefully eager to be first out of the door.

    Once outside he took in a deep breath, saying, ‘It’s good to be out in the fresh air. I don’t think I would want Bessie delivering a baby for anyone in my family!’
    â€˜I agree, Tom, but she has given us more to go on than anyone else we have spoken to.’
    â€˜So, what do we do now?’ Tom queried.
    â€˜We’ll go to the Ring o’ Bells and see what the landlord has to offer by way of food. While we’re eating we can have a few words and see if there’s any truth in the rumours about him and Kerensa, although I have a feeling he’ll prefer telling us more about the other men she met while she was working for him. Either way, it will be worthwhile I don’t doubt.’

Chapter 7
    I N NORTH HILL’S Ring o’ Bells public house, an effusive landlord showed the two policemen to a private room away from the public bar where

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