Healing Rain
take it as his own, “I’m so proud of you, son.”
    Kas leans into his dad’s fatherly embrace, relieved that he finally knows. “I’ve wanted to tell you for so long now. I need your advice.”
    “Advice on what? It seems like you have handled this very well so far.”
    “Her dad has screwed with her head, made a part of her believe she deserved to be beaten. He made her believe lies about herself. She told me that she wasn’t good for me. How can I erase what her father has done to her?”
    “You can’t erase what her father has done, what he’s said, but you can make her believe that it’s not true, that she didn’t deserve it.” Cliff squeezes Kas’ shoulder reassuringly, “Keep doing what you are doing, son. Love her, with time, she will see the truth.”
    Raina is sitting quietly on the couch as Cliff and Kas descend the staircase, and her gaze immediately drops when Cliff looks at her, making him want to spend just five minutes alone with her spineless father. He takes her hand, gently pulling her off of the couch as he leads her upstairs, “I want to talk with you a minute.”
    Raina follows him, full of nerves and guilt as he shuts the door, giving them privacy. “I’m sorry,” she apologizes sincerely.
    Cliff pulls her into his arms, quickly trying to dispel her uneasiness that he is going to reprimand her. “Honey, there is no reason for you to be apologizing. I didn’t bring you up here to scold you, you didn’t do anything wrong.” He tilts her chin, “Your father was wrong in what he did to you.” He watches as her gaze can’t hold his, and his heart aches for her, not understanding how her father, how any father, can ever beat his child. “I just want you to know that I am very happy and proud to have you as my daughter-in-law. You are an amazing young lady, and I love you.”
    Raina doesn’t know what to say, she is touched by Cliff’s warm words. Appreciation fills her as she sees the same kind warmth in his eyes, “I love you, too.”
    “You’re one of us, kiddo, a part of this family. If you ever need anything, you can come to me, I’m here for you.”
    It feels so good to hear his acceptance of her, his inclusion, “Thank you.”
    Raina is with Cliff, on their way to the airport to pick up Judge as Kas makes additional calls home. He is extremely grateful for the rush Dexter and Eugenio put on the paperwork so they can marry soon. He checks in with Dexter again, frustration pricking him that Waterford is already out of D.C., out of Dexter’s current reach. He paces as he hangs up, his thoughts on delivering painful retribution.
    Chase witnesses the dark affliction in his best friend’s eyes, and he worries about what Kas is going to do. “C’mon, let’s go get some lunch before meeting everyone at the Consulate’s office,” he offers, hoping to distract him.
    They choose a quaint restaurant in Lucca, ordering the special made from the beef of the local butcher, deciding on a glass of wine instead of a beer since they are in Italy. Kas has relaxed during the meal, the tension calming as he talks about his wedding in two days. He suddenly stops, his fork suspended in mid-air, as he swears under his breath.
    “What’s the matter?”
    “I don’t have any protection with me.”
    Chase lets out a hearty laugh. “That’s going to make for a very disappointing wedding night,” he jokes. “I’ll take care of it after we get done with the Consulate,” he assures Kas, putting him out of his misery.
    Signing the necessary documents doesn’t take much time. Judge takes Raina shopping for a wedding dress. Cliff and Kas look for tuxes. Chase sets out on his mission of saving the honeymoon. They meet up a couple of hours later at La Buca di Sant’Antonio. Kas pulls Chase aside to see if he got the goods.
    “Do you have any idea how hard it is to ask for condoms when you don’t know the word in Italian? You do not even want to know how I got my point

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