Heart of an Assassin (Circle of Spies)

Heart of an Assassin (Circle of Spies) by Laura Pauling

Book: Heart of an Assassin (Circle of Spies) by Laura Pauling Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laura Pauling
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climb, and I ignored the ache in my calf muscles. The giant pillars of the Parthenon towered behind us, and wild flowers pushed through every crack and crevice at our feet. In the distance, the moon hovered over the distant Mediterranean waters and lights twinkled from restaurants and homes, almost as if mocking me with their dimpled smiles. Was I a fool?
    Will tapped my shoulder with his trigger finger. “Is this better?”
    “It’s lovely.” I shivered at his light touch and sipped my latte, soaking in the silence that evening brought to such a tourist attraction. Clean air, untouched by the cooking smells wafting up from restaurants, washed over me with the breeze. I sighed. In that brief moment, peace swirled, holding me in her gracious arms. She stroked my hair, massaged my shoulders, and whispered gentle words.
    “Let me guess.” Will’s mouth twitched as if he were holding back a laugh. “You figured out I run on the beach with Prince and decided to set up an accidental meeting in hopes of gleaning secret information from me as our friendship naturally developed.”
    My jaw dropped a bit, but I quickly recovered and faked a yawn. I scrambled for a comeback after he’d effectively taken a knife to my plans and ripped them open to reveal all my secrets, which were obviously terrible if he’d guessed them the first try. So there would be no stealth and mystery of an undercover operation. I’d have to be more upfront, like Will. He clearly loved the shock factor. I’d have to take a play from his book.
    “Hardly. I already know all about you,” I said, my voice shaky at first. “I know about your family. And I know we’re mortal enemies and you’re most likely plotting to kill me.” The last few words came out in a whoosh. Hopefully, he’d take the bait.
    Will withdrew his hand from my arm as he choked on his coffee.
    Bingo. But hell. Why stop there? What better place to make decisions than with the Parthenon behind me? Big places were meant for big decisions. “I know you were in Paris and set up Jolie to find my mom. I know you shot at me and Malcolm and tried to kill me when I jumped on Jolie.” My hand instinctively went to rub my leg where the bullet had been. I turned to him. “Why don’t we be honest and stop the act. I know you’re not this flirty fun loving care free guy and you probably can’t stand the fact that your hair is in your face.”
    Will pressed his lips together and placed his coffee on the cracked pavement. His chest heaved and I thought for sure he was having heart failure at my stupidity. But instead he laughed again, like he did at the beach. A hearty laugh. After a couple minutes he wiped his eyes.
    “You know what, Savvy Bent? Want to know the truth?” The moon revealed his chiseled features.
    “I like you.”
    “Okay.” I drew the word out, not sure how to respond, not sure if he was counteracting my bluntness with a compliment.
    “And I understand why my foolish brother fell head over heels for you.”
    I sucked in my breath at the mention of Malcolm. Head over heels?
    Then his phone chirped from his pocket. He held up a finger. “I have to get this.”
    He opened his phone and stepped away a few paces. I wanted to claw my eyes out at my stupid impulses. But I couldn’t stand any more lies and games. I wanted truth. I needed truth. And at that point, I’d do anything to get it.
    Will returned a couple minutes later. He slipped his phone into his pocket. “We have to head back. You know, the family business calls.” He winked and laughed again. “As I was saying, I like you. You’re honest and brave. I have an offer for you.”
    “Thanks for the compliment.” An offer? Adrenaline raced through my veins at what he might say.
    “Let’s get back to the car first.” With a light hand on my back, he guided us forward.
    We headed back down the hill, through the narrow streets of the market places and back to his car. After about ten minutes of

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