you needed one.”

    Her eyes narrowed. “You gave me a home? No, J.B., you didn’t give me a home. You decided that Marge would give me a home,” she said emphatically.

    “Same thing,” he bit off.

    “It isn’t,” she replied. “You don’t put yourself out for anybody. You make gestures, but somebody else has to do the dirty work.”

    “That’s not how it was, and you know it,” he said curtly. “You were fourteen years old. How would it have looked, to have you living with me? Especially with my lifestyle.”

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    She wanted to argue that, but she couldn’t. “I suppose you have a point.”

    He didn’t reply. He just watched her.

    She moved to the sofa and perched on one of its broad, floral-patterned arms. “I’m very grateful for what your family has done for me,” she said gently. “But nobody can say that I haven’t pulled my weight.
    I’ve cleaned and cooked for Marge and the girls, been a live-in baby-sitter, helped keep her books—I haven’t just parked myself here and taken advantage of the situation.”

    “I never said you did,” he replied.

    “You’re implying it,” she shot back. “I can’t remember when I’ve ever dated anybody around here…!”

    “Of course not, you were too busy mooning over me!”

    Her face went white. Then it slowly blossomed into red rage. She stood up, eyes blazing. “Yes,” she said. “I was, wasn’t I? Mooning over you while you indulged yourself with starlet after debutante after Miss Beauty Contest winner! Oh, excuse me, Miss Runner-up Beauty Contest winner,” she drawled insolently.

    He glared at her. “My love life is none of your business.”

    “Don’t be absurd,” she retorted. “It’s everybody’s business. You were in a tabloid story just last week, something about you and the living fashion doll being involved in some sleazy love triangle in Hollywood…”

    “Lies,” he shot back, “and I’m suing!”

    “Good luck,” she said. “My point is, I date a nice man who hasn’t hurt anybody…”

    Generated by ABC Amber LIT Conv erter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html
    He let out a vicious curse, interrupting her, and moved closer, towering over her. “He was Special Forces in Iraq,” he told her coldly, “and he was brought up on charges for excessive force during an incursion! He actually slugged his commanding officer and stuffed him in the trunk of a civilian car!”

    Her eyes widened. “Did he, really?” she mused, fascinated.

    “It isn’t funny,” he snapped. “The man is a walking time bomb, waiting for the spark to set him off. I don’t want him around you when it happens. He was forced out of the army, Tellie, he didn’t go willingly!
    He had the choice of a court-martial or an honorable discharge.”

    She wondered how he knew so much about the other man, but she didn’t pursue it. “It was an honorable discharge, then?” she emphasized.

    He took off his white Stetson and ran an irritated hand through his black hair. “I can’t make you see it, can I? The man’s dangerous.”

    “He’s in good company in Jacobsville, then, isn’t he?” she replied. “I mean, we’re like a resort for ex-mercs and ex-military, not to mention the number of ex-federal law enforcement people…”

    “Grange has enemies,” he interrupted.

    “So do you, J.B.,” she pointed out. “Remember that guy who broke into your house with a .45
    automatic and tried to shoot you over a horse deal?”

    “He was a lunatic.”

    “If the bullet hadn’t been a dud, you’d be dead,” she reminded him.

    “Ancient history,” he said. “You’re avoiding the subject.”

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    “I am not likely to be shot by one of Grange’s mythical old enemies while watching a science-fiction film at the local theater!” Her small hands balled at her hips. “The

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