Hearts on Fire

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Book: Hearts on Fire by Alison Packard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alison Packard
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her nape. His fingers were warm against
her skin; the shiver that followed wasn’t because she was cold.
Just the opposite. Suddenly she was burning up inside. And she felt
    “Then I’ll stay.”
He lowered his head and brushed his lips across hers. His feather
light kiss left her aching for more. She couldn’t breathe, and she
couldn’t think worth a damn.
    The second his tongue
touched her lips, she parted her mouth and allowed him inside. The
soft, warm glide of his tongue was almost more than she could bear. A
low moan bubbled up from somewhere deep inside of her as he deepened
the kiss and consumed her mouth with forceful demand. He tasted of
coffee and chocolate, two of her favorite things. Desire pooled
between her legs as she gave herself over to his slow, deep, wet
    Drew slipped his hand
to her back, urging her closer until every hard inch of his body
pressed into the softness of hers. She slid her arms around his
waist, and reached up under the hem of his T-shirt to touch the warm
supple skin of his back. He pulled back, looking at her through
heavy-lidded eyes. His breathing was labored, as if he’d been
running. Hers was too.
    “I want you.” The
husky cadence of his voice awakened a need she’d long
suppressed—the need to connect with someone on the most intimate
level. She’d only been with three guys in her whole life, and none
of them had evoked within her what Drew had with just two kisses.
    Holding his smoldering
gaze, she motioned with her head toward the bedroom. “Show me how
much,” she said softly, and then sanity prevailed. “Wait. Do you
have —?”
    “In my wallet.” A
wicked smile curved his lips as he stepped back, took her hand and
led her to the bedroom.
    Seconds later, as they
stood next to the big bed, a sudden feeling of shyness enveloped her.
Drew put his hand on her chin and forced her head up. “Have I ever
told you how beautiful you are?”
    “I remember seeing
you at the Opry when you were seventeen. It was the first time you
performed there.”
    “You were there?”
    “My father took me.
It was a surprise for my eighteenth birthday.” He lifted his hand
and brushed a stray tendril of hair from her face. “You were the
prettiest girl I’d ever seen. I was floored by how confident you
were. You didn’t seem nervous at all.”
    “My knees were
shaking.” She offered him a slight smile. “Kind of like they are
right now.”
    “Would it help if I
told you I’ve had a hard-on for you since the first night we met at
the MC?”
    Surprise caused her
knees to stop shaking. “Not my finest moment. I was a
little…um... over served .”
    “You think?” Drew
chuckled, then hooked a finger in the waistband of her jeans and
pulled her closer. His clean scent enveloped her and caused her skin
to tingle. “I wanted you that night. More than I’ve ever wanted
anyone.” His gaze lowered to her mouth. “Are you sure you want me
to stay?”
    “I’m sure.” She
tugged at the hem of his T-shirt, suddenly feeling way more
confident. “Take off your clothes.”
    The corner of his mouth
kicked up ever so slightly, as he gathered two-fistfuls of fabric,
pulled the shirt over his head, and tossed it onto the floor.
    Jessie’s breath
lodged in her throat. Who knew he’d been hiding six-pack abs under
his shirt? Not her. She took in his lightly tanned skin, his
well-defined pecs, and the trail of light brown hair that started at
his naval and trailed down toward the waistband of his jeans, and
swallowed. Hard.
    “Your turn.” He
grinned and lifted his hands to the top button of her cotton shirt.
“How ‘bout I help you out.”
    Her heart raced as he
made quick work of the buttons, and then, with her help, he slid her
shirt off and let it drop to the floor.
    “Nice bra,” he
said, admiring the lacy white cups that covered her breasts. He slid
his finger under the front clasp, and with a quick flick, unhooked
    She shivered as he
smoothed his

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