Heavenly Angel
install a wheelchair ramp on their front porch because her mother had been confined to her wheelchair. As it had turned out, Ranulfo’s parents had been old friends of her parents, and they’d known each other well before either couple had children. He’d asked Teresa out several times and had even spoken with her father about it. Her father had given his approval, and she’d had lunch with him one time. She’d told Angel that Ranulfo had been nice enough, if a little pushy and macho. He’d wanted to kiss her and to go out with her in the evening alone to his place to watch a movie. Even as sheltered as she’d been, she’d known better than to do that.
    He’d told her he loved her long hair and would run his fingers through it, which she didn’t care for at all. The way he’d done it had made her feel tethered. Ranulfo had become more persistent about her going out with him, and she’d found herself making excuses. He’d moved too quickly for her, and she’d told him so. The construction project had dragged on, and she’d wondered if he was allowing it to take longer on account of her. Late one afternoon, she’d just refused his most recent invitation to a date and had told him she simply wasn’t able to see him anymore. He’d accepted her decision, though she knew she’d angered him. Two days later, the ramp had been completed. He’d called several times, asking if she was seeing someone else. Finally, she’d told her father that Ranulfo’s pursuit of her bordered on stalking. Her father had called Ranulfo’s parents in the hope they might be able to talk him into leaving her alone. They’d seemed offended but had said they would speak with their son. The call hadn’t had the desired effect.
    Mr. Palacios had taken Mrs. Palacios to bingo every Tuesday night in Tillman. Because of her declining health, it had been her only social outlet besides church. Teresa’s elderly father had his own health issues, as well, and it wouldn’t be too many years before they would need full-time care. It had worried her because she’d hoped to go to nursing school the following year. Fifteen minutes after her parents drove away, the doorbell rang. She’d answered it, realizing too late it was Ranulfo. He’d looked sad and ashamed, and he’d begun to apologize. She’d felt bad for him and had accepted his seemingly heartfelt apology.
    It had been very hot outside, and she’d foolishly invited him in for a glass of iced tea. She’d brought them both glasses of iced tea, and he’d asked if she had an aspirin because he had a terrible headache. She’d returned with it, and he’d thanked her kindly and took it. He’d apologized again and seemed so sincere. Uneasy with his repeated apologies, she’d sipped her glass of tea and had waited for him to wind down so she could end the conversation and ease him out the door.
    In telling the story, Teresa had gone quiet for a few seconds, seeming to gather the nerve to tell Angel what had happened next. Angel had done his best to be a quiet, comforting presence sitting next to her, not asking her a lot of questions. He’d already surmised what came next.
    She’d told him her memories were blurry, as she’d recalled for him, watching Ranulfo smile wolfishly and take the tea glass from her slackening hand.
    She’d returned to consciousness some time later in terror and horrible pain. At first she’d been so scared she couldn’t even move, but eventually she’d called out, and no one had answered.
    Teresa had sat up, shocked by her nudity and in searing pain. She’d looked down and had seen blood smeared over her thighs and between her legs. Her breasts had ached and so had her right shoulder. She’d pulled the top sheet from her bed, shocked when she saw more blood smeared on the pink sheets of her bed. When she’d been able, she’d stumbled painfully to the bathroom and screamed when she’d seen her reflection in the mirror. Her breasts were covered with

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