Heir of the Elements

Heir of the Elements by Cesar Gonzalez Page A

Book: Heir of the Elements by Cesar Gonzalez Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cesar Gonzalez
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy
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cried Falcon. Harnessing all his strength, he willed himself forward, but all he managed to do for his efforts was sink even deeper. The warm tar was up to his knees now.
    “Don’t bother.” Draknorr laughed. “She won’t yield unless the person who cast the possession ability dies, and I have no intention of dying.”
    Falcon held his breath, painfully aware that there was nothing he could do to stop the dark knight before him.
    Faith crawled on all fours. Small glass shards dug into her palms, causing her hands to spasm with pain. There was a crunching sound of feet stepping on glass. She turned to the sight of Aya, staring down at her with a malicious look. She wore her usual white blouse with a lion insignia on her chest. A short black skirt moved, smoothing and wrinkling itself as Aya walked forward.
    Faith stood. Ignoring the pain, she pulled out the glass shards, and they dropped to the hard brick ground. She appeared to be in the mansion’s backyard. There were a series of servant cabins aligned in a neat row a few feet away from her. A number of trees dotted the large yard.
    “Aya, stop,” pleaded Faith, holding up her hands. “We’re friends, remember?”
    “You and I aren’t friends,” growled Aya. Her voice was unnaturally deep. “Ever since I met you I’ve hated you. You think you can just come and take what is rightfully mine?” She grinned widely as her emblem glowed a bright blue.
    Faith took a few more steps back. “Aya, you’re not thinking straight. Let me help you, please. I don’t want to hurt you.”
    “You?” Aya pointed mockingly at Faith. “Hurt me ?” She cackled maniacally. “I would like to see you try.” With those words Aya dashed in. She brought her fist up in a high uppercut.
    Faith had seen Aya fight before, and she knew that she wanted to be nowhere close to her fists. Aya was a master grappler; any hold could lead to a broken arm or leg, or worse.
    A translucent shield appeared in front of Faith. A second before making contact, Aya flipped over it. While still in midair, directly above Faith, Aya brought down a spear of water. Faith flicked her hand, and the shield moved to block the attack. Aya landed. She kicked. Again, the shield drove her back.
    Faith inhaled. Forcing the shield to keep up with Aya was proving to be a handful.
    The water wielder rubbed her hands together. A water hawk took hold over her left hand. A lion encased her right hand. The aqua gloves roared and screeched as Aya slammed her fists into the barrier. The first punched drove Faith back; the second punch cracked the shield in a thousand places. It fell to the floor, shattering like glass.
    Before Faith could register what had occurred, Aya took hold of the holy wielder’s legs and wrestled her to the ground.
    Faith stomach tightened as she realized that she was in some serious trouble. There was no way she could stand against her on the ground.
    Aya’s elbow found Faith’s forehead. She saw stars as her head bounced off the ground. Her opponent’s strong arms wrapped around her right leg. Before Aya could lock in her grip, Faith drove her open palm into the middle of the hold, essentially nullifying the grip. Aya rolled over Faith and took hold of her hand.
    Faith tried to pull her hand back into her chest, but Aya was much too strong. Faith gritted her teeth, suppressing the urge to scream as Aya pulled her arm back. She felt a tremendous warm pain on her wrist. She’s going to break it. Think Faith. Think!
    Aya was lying on Faith’s other arm, but with the little mobility she had left she willed her staff forward. Her weapon flew out of the broken window and directly into Aya’s cranium.
    Aya let go, rubbing the red spot in her head where the staff had made contact. Her eyes closed and opened, as if she were having a hard time regaining her vision.
    Without the threat of being snapped in half at a moment’s notice, Faith’s arms felt lighter. “Bubble Charm.” In an instant

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