Her Best Friend's Brother

Her Best Friend's Brother by T. J. Dell

Book: Her Best Friend's Brother by T. J. Dell Read Free Book Online
Authors: T. J. Dell
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Contemporary
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flexing as he walked. And his tee shirt fit snuggly across his broad shoulders. Tony had played footbal for as long as Libby had known him. Even at colege he had a group of buddies she knew that got together for a pickup game at least once a week. Al those years on the footbal field had done Tony’s upper body good. He wasn’t bulky like some footbal players, but lean and broad with upper arms that strained slightly at his sleeves. She loved those arms. When Tony came back and after Libby had dutifuly swalowed her medicine he settled himself onto the couch, draped one strong muscled arm around Libby’s shoulders, and leaned back to watch the movie.
    Libby tried to fight the effects of her cold medicine, but long before the hero got his girl she was slumped over onto Tony’s shoulder and sleeping deeply. Tony considered carrying her to her room, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. And anyway her mother wouldn’t be home for hours, and what if Libby needed someone? So he leaned back into the arm of the couch, and puled Libby, stil wrapped in her blanket, into his chest. It was getting late and he concentrated on matching his breathing with the rise and fal of her back until he too drifted off to sleep.
    The next morning Libby woke up in her own bed and felt as if she had never slept better in al her life. It took her awhile to focus and then she remembered Tony visiting, bringing her soup, and a movie. She also had a fuzzy memory of Tony wrapping her in his arms and snuggling her close to him, but that part was probably a dream. There was no way that her mom, at 5 foot nothing could possibly have gotten Libby from the couch into her bed, and that left Libby with one thriling option for how she had gotten back into bed last night. Sitting up she found a thick blue folder at the foot of her bed.
    Opening it she found a note scrawled in Tony’s familiar messy writing.
    Your mom is back, and I have to get home. I am leaving you the first completed draft of my book. I did promise you could be the first to read it, remember? Take a look when you get chance. I hope you like it.
    Love, Tony Ps: In case you were worried—Johnny Depp gets away and Orlando Bloom gets the girl
    So that was her surprise. Libby grinned widely as she settled back into her pilows and began to read.

Chapter Five

    “We did it!” Mel was jumping up and down and squealing her very best squeal. The pale green graduation gown bounced lightly as Mel did her dance. Pale green looked wonderful against Mel’s blond hair and fair skin.
    John picked Melanie up and spun her around in a circle.
    “Congrats babe!” He said, before wrapping her in a slightly inappropriate embrace. They were so ridiculously cute together. “You too Libster.” John shot her with a finger gun. God she hated that nickname.
    Parker pressed a kiss to the top of Libby’s head. “Yeah. Congrats.” He whispered. Libby realy wished he would stop doing stuff like that. John and Mel had been together for awhile now, and inevitably Libby always ended up paired with Parker. Not that she minded; it had actualy been nice that she could count on having a date for al the major social events of her senior year. And she realy liked Parker. He was funny and confident, and while she hated to admit to being shalow --having a man fly in from his New York Colege to see her had leant her a certain amount of prestige. Mostly they got along great and while they had shared a few lukewarm kisses he hadn’t seemed to be interested in much more. But lately he had been caling more, and always seemed to be touching her a little more than was necessary. Libby knew that with high school behind her she was ready to take the Tony Marchetti situation into her own hands. So the Parker thing could get awkward.
    The Marchetti back yard looked beautiful.
    Paper lanterns hung from wires that Mr. Marchetti had strung between the trees, and tiki torches dotted the edge of the yard. Mel had spent months

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