Her Irish Surrender
point, and was tying it up with string as he watched Mr. Walker turn his attention back to Miss Dermont. “I’ll see you at supper tonight, then?”
    She smiled. “Yes.”
    The string broke. “Bugger,” Lorcan mumbled.
    “Having trouble there, Lorcan?” Mr. Van Cleet chuckled.
      Lorcan stared at him, his jaw tight. “Bad string.”
    Mr. Van Cleet leaned toward his wife. “Bad string, he says …”
    She smiled in response and glanced between Lorcan and Miss Dermont.  M eanwhile, Mr. Walker headed their way, trailing behind Mrs. Brody. “I’ll take two slices of the apple, if I may,” he said as she set the tray on the counter.
    “Lorcan, see to the man, will you?” She then turned to their patron. “Are you new in town? I don’t recall seeing you before.”
    “Why yes, ma’am, I am. I’m Herbert Walker, at your service.” He took her hand, bent at the waist, and brushed it with a kiss.
    Mrs. Brody giggled. “Oh, my, what nice manners.”
    Lorcan stiffened. Had he kissed Miss Dermont’s hand like that? He looked at her, but she was busy straightening a stack of books. When he looked back to his mother, Mr. Walker was giving her a huge grin.  He didn’t realize he’d picked up the serving knife until he noticed it in his hand. It was then the door opened, and Mrs. Brown from the boarding house came in.
    She went straight to the counter, her face flushed. “Mrs. Brody, thank goodness you’re here.”
    “Heavens, Mrs. Brown, what’s the matter? You look like you ran all the way.”
    “Of that you are right. It’s Mrs. Fitzsimmons. She’s got herself in a terrible fix this time.”
    Mrs. Brody sighed and shook her head. “What has she done now?”
    Mrs. Brown looked between Mrs. Brody and Lorcan. “She’s up the oak tree again.”
    “Wha t?” Lorcan barked.
    At this point Miss Dermont came forward, her face a mask of concern. “Is she all right? Does someone need to fetch a doctor?”
    Lorcan burst out laughing. “Hardly, Miss Dermont.”
    “Well, you’re taking this good naturedly,” M r. Walker said in a sarcastic tone. He quickly looked at Miss Dermont to see her reaction, then turned back to Lorcan. “The poor woman must be delirious to try to climb a tree, especially if it’s the one behind the boarding house. Why, it’s gigantic! How can you act so unconcerned when a woman’s life is in danger?” He looked directly at Miss Dermont on the word danger , and Lorcan saw his veiled satisfaction as she gasped.
    Lorcan tried not to groan as he stepped out from behind the counter. “I’ll see to her, maither .” He headed for the door, and could sense Mr. Walker’s indecision on what to do or say next, in order to impress Miss Dermont.
    “I’d like to offer my services to the lady. Perhaps I could be of some help in re scuing her?”
    Lorcan turned, noted the feigned concern on Mr. Walker’s face, and the wide-eyed innocence of Miss Dermont’s. He sucked in a quick breath. She was a beautiful woman. What man wouldn’t want to try and impress her?  Speaking of which, why wasn’t he trying?
    Before he could answer his own question, Mr. Walker made a show of striding over to Lorcan and standing at his side. “I’m going with you!”
    Lorcan raised a single eyebrow at him. “You sure you’re up to the task? The deed could be wrought with danger,” he told him, then winked at his mother.
    Mrs. Brody had a fist to her mouth as she went around the counter and took up the serving knife. Even Mrs. Brown looked like she was about to explode with laughter.  Miss Dermont, intent on Lorcan and Mr. Walker, didn’t notice. Lorcan mustered up the best look of concern he could. “I just hope we’re not to late. Maither, where’s the  grappling hook?”
    “Grappling hook!” Mr. Walker gasped. “Great Scott, man! What are you planning to do?”
    “Well, now ye see, Mr. Walker,” Lorcan began, his brogue suddenly thick. “Mrs. Fitzsimmons is prone to bouts of delusion.  Once

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