Her Vampire Husband

Her Vampire Husband by Michele Hauf

Book: Her Vampire Husband by Michele Hauf Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michele Hauf
Tags: Fiction
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this ancient body, he retained no scars.
    “Stare much?” he volleyed at her.
    She turned her head into her arm. “Nothing to see, pale vampire dude. I prefer my men hairy anyway.”
    He may be pale, but he was nothing to sneeze at.
    Stepping from his pants, Creed snapped the band of his black boxer briefs. She was looking again. He could feel her curiosity as a tangible wave through the air. Felt great. Felt…different.
    Closing his eyes, he whispered too softly for even paranormal ears, “You do prefer me.”
    Out his peripheral vision he saw Blu lift onto her elbows, as if she’d heard something. A whisper only he could make audible through air magic.
    Take that, snotty werewolf princess.
    Diving, he hit the water with a sharp cut and swam the entire pool length before surfacing on the other side. When he flipped back his hair and swiped the water from his eyes, the violet-haired goddess knelt at the pool’s edge.
    “Thought you said you didn’t swim?” he asked.
    “I don’t. I just…Did you hear something?”
    “Like what?”
    “I don’t know. A whisper?”
    “Did they wed me to a mad princess?”
    She snapped her fingers, dispersing droplets of water. “Whatever. Hey, you know what cold water does to a guy’s dick?”
    “The water isn’t cold.”
    “Yeah, I noticed.”
    Starting a backstroke, Creed was amused he wasn’t the only one who couldn’t avoid looking.
    B LU DIALED B REE ’ S NUMBER and slipped into the guest bathroom attached to the room she was staying in, locking the door behind her. Bree rambled on about how sexy her new husband was and how daring of him to kiss her in front of everyone like that.
    “Yeah, whatever. He’s sex with fangs. Not. So did you talk to Ryan after the ceremony? Did he say anything to you?”
    “Haven’t seen him. But you know I only see him if he stops into the bar.”
    Bree danced strip at the Goddess in St. Paul on week-nights. She was an amazing dancer with a body Blu envied. And the wings rocked, too. Blu had always wanted wings. Instead, she got stuck with the hairy wolf stuff.
    “He was there last night, waiting for me outside the Landmark. I had to be quick with him because I didn’t want the vampire to see. You’ll call me when you talk to him, right? And you’ll ask him about me?”
    “You know I will. Even though it’s only been a day, I’m sure he misses you to death, Blu. But tell me about your first night? Did you and he…you know?”
    “Miss I-Take-My-Clothes-Off-For-Strangers can’t saythe naughty words? Please, Bree. I slept in the guest room. You think I’d have sex with a strange man?”
    “You have done it on occasion.”
    “Yeah, but they weren’t vamps.” And don’t remind her of those disastrous stranger sex encounters. “I hate thinking that I’m sitting in a vampire’s lair.”
    “It’s your lair now, too.”
    “I’d prefer a cave. Doesn’t feel friendly, whatever you call it. Would you come over, Bree? I don’t have anyone to talk to and he won’t even let me go out to jog.”
    “Sounds kind of Neanderthal.”
    “He hasn’t dragged me around by my hair yet, but I wouldn’t put it past him. There are vampires and werewolves camped at the end of the property, spying on us. He thinks they might do something to me.”
    “Protective fellow. How romantic.”
    She swung her legs up onto the vanity and leaned against the wall. Mr. Romance had been hoping she’d look when he’d stripped to go swimming. Sexy muscles had cut through the water with precision and unnatural speed. Pale as he was, he didn’t need a tan to highlight the tight abs and delts.
    She’d only looked to make him feel good.
    That was her story and she was sticking to it.
    “All right, I’ll give you one thing,” Blu said. “He does have a great body.”
    “So you did peek!”
    “He went for a swim. Couldn’t avoid the browse over his abs.”
    “All muscles and brawn?”
    “I suppose. Nothing like Ryan, but

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