
Hetman by Alex Shaw

Book: Hetman by Alex Shaw Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alex Shaw
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is being held. I’ve got an eyeball on the location.”
    “Which Militia station are they in?”
    “They are not. It’s a private house belonging to Ruslan Imyets. They are holding him hostage.”
    “So the kidnappers are Militia officers in the pocket of Ruslan Imyets?”
    “Correct, which is why Dudka wanted you to back off.”
    “Understood.” Vickers was annoyed it was all happening without him. “So what is Aidan doing?”
    “He is inside looking for Brian. We had a plan; Aidan’s a drunk ex-pat looking up an old friend.”
    “I see. So now they’ve got two hostages?”
    “It looks that way.”
    “So the plan is working Vitaly?”
    Blazhevich shook his head. Both Vickers and Snow always thought they knew best, even though they had very different approaches. “Yes. If it was not the correct location they would have sent Aidan ‘packing’, but if we presume they are holding him then all we do is wait until he is moved.”
    In his flat Vickers sipped his tea. “So what would the SBU like me to do?”
    “We need to get something on Imyets. The SBU cannot ‘go in’ unless there is evidence of his involvement that’ll hold up in court otherwise our entire investigation will be blown. I can watch but I can’t act.”
    “OK. I’ll wait until Monday lunchtime and then if we don’t have Webb or Snow I’ll go ahead with my official complaint.”
    “You think Aidan will wait until then?”
    “No. Where are you?”
    Blazhevich decided there was no point in keeping the location a secret from his SIS contact. “Petropavlivska Borschagivka, I’m in the unfinished church.”
    Vickers knew the place, it had become somewhat of a landmark. Commissioned by a Kyiv businessman twelve years before and never completed, its large bell lay outside still wrapped in its protective cover. The bell proved too heavy and too sacred for anyone to run off with. “I’m here if you need me.”
    “Thanks.” Blazhevich ended the call. There was movement at the front door. Through the magnified image of the stills camera he saw two Militia officers in shirt-sleeves smoking and grinning. One held a bottle of whisky and poured a shot for the other.   Blazhevich muttered to himself as he took some more pictures. “Come on Aidan.”
    The cellar door opened and Kopylenko entered followed by another officer. The second officer spoke quietly into Kopylenko’s ear. “Captain Budt would like to know how your head is Brian?”
    “Tell him that his mother should be proud that he hits like a girl.”
    Snow sighed; Brian and Katya were both graduates of the same ‘charm school’.
    Kopylenko frowned. “I will tell him, it is serious. But a more serious matter is you, Mr Snow. You were not looking for Eric at all were you? No you came here because Brian called you. I have his phone and have also checked with immigration. So I have a question for you Mr Snow, who are you?”
    “Why ask questions, just shoot him.” Budt stated in Russian as he removed his side-arm from its holster and held it by his side.
    Had he underestimated the men, would they try to kill him? Snow readied himself for action as he spoke. “I am Brian’s friend. He asked me to come and here I am.”
    Kopylenko scratched his chin. “Now I believe what you are saying but that leaves us with a problem. You see you have assaulted a police officer. This is something that I cannot ignore so here is the deal. You will pay Captain Budt compensation of $15,000 and myself another $15,000. We will take you to our personal banker. Once you have paid us I will personally drive you back to the airport.”
    “And what about Brian?”
    “He must see the judge; his offence carries a much higher penalty.”
    “Why can’t you just let it go man?” Webb stood, arms out at his sides and palms upwards trying to placate the policemen. “I am not the reason Katya left you. We both love Ana; we should be working this out together.”
    Kopylenko’s face contorted with rage

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