High Stakes (The Kingdom Book 2)

High Stakes (The Kingdom Book 2) by Nikki Groom

Book: High Stakes (The Kingdom Book 2) by Nikki Groom Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nikki Groom
Tags: Fiction
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met a boyfriend’s mom before. Boyfriend? Is that even the right word for us? Isn’t that a word teenagers would use? I’m certainly not a teenager anymore, but I have no idea what I would even call him. It’s too soon to be anything like partner, or other half … Oh hell, I don’t know. I wasn’t this nervous when I met Aaron’s parents. Then it dawns on me. I wasn’t nervous because it didn’t matter, because I didn’t care if they liked me. This matters. I don’t want to try and make her like me, but I want her to like me for me, and I’m not even sure who that person is right now. I seem to have caused so much trouble, so much worry since I stumbled into Denham’s life, that I’m afraid she will be protective of her son and think I’m no good for him … and maybe she would be right.
    I need to call Lottie. I need her no nonsense, straight talking, kick up the butt to bring me back to reality before self-doubt sets in and my feet make a path out of here.
    I know she’s at work, but I try and call anyway. Lucky for me she has her cell in her pocket when she’s at work, so she’s able to pick up.
    “Hey, babe,” she answers chirpily.
    “Lottie, you have to help me,” I answer desperately.
    “What’s happened? Is something wrong?”
    “No … Yes … Oh, Lottie. I can’t do it …”
    “Arianna Fraser, will you get a grip on yourself and stop talking in riddles?”
    “His mom, Lotts. Denham’s freakin’ mom is on her way here. You have to leave work, right now, and come save me.” I feel the pitch of my voice getting higher as I talk, but I can’t do anything about it. Lottie replies with a snort and a full belly laugh. “Lottie, this isn’t funny. I don’t want to play ‘meet the mom’ … I’m not ready.”
    “Oh, I’m sorry babe,” Lottie answers, trying to compose herself after her little outburst. “Dana is lovely, she’ll love you.”
    “See, I didn’t even know she was called Dana. I would have looked really fucking stupid answering the door to her and saying ‘Oh, Hi …Um ... Uh ... Mom … wouldn’t I?”
    “Chill, chica!”
    “So, here’s the plan … you’re going to leave work, tell them you’re sick or something, and you’ve come down with a fever, that you have to leave right away, then you can come and save me from this fate worse than death.”
    “NO, what do you mean … NO? Lottie, I’m seriously reconsidering your position on my friends list.”
    “Arianna, I am your only friend, I’ll always be at the top …”
    “And the bottom.” I grumble.
    “Look, Dana is lovely. I get along with her really well; she’s almost like a second mom to me. Me! The one who never gets along with anybody. Why’s she coming over anyway?”
    “Because my overprotective boyf … um … Denham thinks I shouldn’t be left on my own after passing out.”
    “Well, your overprotective boyfriend is right. You shouldn’t be left on your own until we know you’re better. How are you feeling today?”
    “Better, like I don’t need looking after.”
    “I’m being serious, Arianna, stop being a baby and answer me honestly. You worried me, us. You had everyone freaked. I only just got you back and you wound up in the hospital, again.”
    “Sorry for being a baby, or sorry for freaking us the hell out?”
    “Both. I just … I’m meeting his mom, Lottie. And it matters to me that she likes me.”
    “I know it does. It’s probably the only time it’s ever mattered, huh?”
    “And it scares the hell out of ya …”
    “And you’re going to be just fine because she’s a sweetheart, and I know she will love you. I’ll come by later and you can catch me up, okay?”
    “Ari …”
    “Yes, Lotts?”
    “I love ya, babe,” she says softly, making my heart clench a little.
    “You too, traitor,” I joke.
    “Have fun with the mom. Bye!” Lottie chirps teasingly before hanging up. I slump back on the

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