Highland Tigress (Tiger Series)

Highland Tigress (Tiger Series) by Amanda Anderson Page A

Book: Highland Tigress (Tiger Series) by Amanda Anderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Anderson
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unable to stand. She felt a calm rush over her mind and knew that it was somehow Darren trying to comfort her.
    “Calm yourself, Cara. Liam cannot be distracted or he may well kill Balor. You must find your calm.”
    Cara looked to her left to find the darkest tiger staring at her. Somehow it all made sense. It was Darren, but how? She then looked over to her right and somehow felt that this dark orange tiger was Deaglan. Well the other two were Evan and Euan she thought and studied them for a moment. One licked his lips as if to say he would like to eat her for dinner. She frowned deeply and stepped back only to feel his laughter encase her mind. Ah, yes then this one was Euan. She gasped as she looked at the two huge beasts that were still locked in battle. Liam and Balor, but why?
    Deaglan’s stern voice entered her mind. “It is because you could not control your desires. We are all drawn to the scent of you. Balor is more vulnerable than the rest of us. Liam may have to kill him before he will back down, Cara, and it will be your fault.” “Oh God, I’m so sorry! I didn’t know.” Cara sobbed and looked at Deaglan.
    Everything stopped. All five tigers, including Balor and Liam, turned to growl at Deaglan. The scent of Cara’s pain had lessened the smell of her release and Balor had been able to regain himself. Deaglan sat calmly as the others threatened him. He was no afraid of them. He knew her pain would slice through her desire and help to calm Balor. He changed and stood gloriously naked in front of them.
    “Do you wish to kill me? I did what none of you thought to do, and I was telling the truth. It was a foolish thing to do Liam and you know it.”
    The largest tiger nodded and began to change. Cara gasped. Knowing it was Liam and seeing him shed his tiger and become the man again was too much. She turned away only to find Darren doing the same thing. She turned again and was met by the sight of a very naked Deaglan. She threw her hands over her eyes and refused to look at any of them. She heard them teasing one another and laughing, but she refused to look. All of this had been her fault. They all knew what had happened between her and Liam. She was mortified. She didn’t know if she ever again wanted to look any to them in the eye. Her thoughts were cut short when she was gathered in a pair of warm, strong arms.
    “Cara. Look at me Cara.”
    She shook her head.
    After a few moments he spoke again. “We are all decent again, Love. You can look now.”
    She still refused to open her eyes.
    “Cara, ‘tis a natural state. When we change we cannot always have our clothes nearby, so you will often see any number of men walking around in their skin, women too for that matter although there are few.
    “Cara did open her eyes then. “You mean there will be naked women walking around all the time?” She was frowning so deeply that he laughed outright. She smacked his chest and turned to walk away, but he caught her arm.
    “Do ye not like the thought of my looking at the other lasses?”
    She narrowed her eyes at him. “Nay I do not think it is something I will like at all. How will you like for the men to be looking at me?”
    It was Liam’s turn to frown and the others erupted in gales of laughter.
    “Shouldn’t we be goin’ then?” He asked as his frown deepened.
    “Aye, we should.” Evan giggled.
    Euan took a deep breath and gave an exaggerated sigh. “Ah, nothin’ like the smell of a satisfied woman to freshen up the forest. Wouldn’t you agree, Evan?”
    “Aye, Euan. ‘Tis a refreshing scent indeed.”
    Liam ignored them all and helped Cara mount. Cara’s face flamed and the twins erupted in a round of laughter.
    “Cara, we mean you no harm. We are just trying to lighten our spirits. We beg your forgiveness for offending your tender sensibilities.” Euan spoke the words, but the laughter in his eyes told Cara he wasn’t sorry at all. She smiled her forgiveness though.

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