Highlander Medieval 06 - Her Highland Hero
term in referring to the English before, but she supposed he had to, to show which side he was on. She hoped the man was unaware that Marcus did not have a nephew.
    The Scot smiled a little. Was it because he thought her a wild lad to attempt to fight in the battle on behalf of his uncle, or that he didn’t believe Rob?
    “You have too small a party. We will ride with you to the tavern.”
    “My thanks be to you,” Rob said and he and his men sheathed their swords.
    “Dwyer’s the name.” He looked at the sgian dubh clutched in Isobel’s fist and she finally slipped it under her cloak. Why would a lad not be carrying a sword, she feared Dwyer would wonder.
    She was glad that Rob and his men had not had to fight the English, and that the Scots would help them gain safe passage.
    No one spoke any further as they headed again for the village, and when she saw the scattered cottages, the two shops and the one tavern, she felt both relief and apprehension.
    When they reached the two-story stone tavern, one of the men took hold of her reins while Rob helped her down.
    What surprised her next was that the man who was in charge of her Scots’ escort joined her and Rob. She was afraid he knew just who she was and what her business here entailed.
    “My lady,” Dwyer said with admiration. “Do ye plan to leave with the laird and his kin when he is well enough to travel?”
    Assuming he knew very well who she was, she shook her head. “I fear what would happen to the laird and his kin if my father were to learn of it.”
    “Then you only wished to see his lairdship and return this day?”
    “Aye. I shall not be long. I do not want anyone to learn I have gone.”
    “Then with your permission and Rob’s, we would feel honored to return you home again once you are done.”
    “But the risk—”
    “Nay. The clan of the McEwan and their kin, the MacNeill clansmen, have fought alongside us numerous times. We know his lairdship was wounded because he had been with you and was turned out of the castle. We only wish the two of you the best. We pledge ourselves to returning you safely.”
    “Thank you,” she said, feeling choked up.
    “Aye, my lady. We will be waiting.” Dwyer and the other men moved off then to water their horses.
    Rob walked with her to the door of the tavern.
    “He was cut on the back and is weak,” Rob said, preparing her for what she would see. “He was sitting up earlier and eating some. He may be sleeping now.”
    “He is not with fever?”
    She felt some relief at his words, but until she saw him or knew he was fully recovered, she would worry.
    They entered the tavern where men were eating and drinking, though the noise from their conversation visibly died down when the new arrivals appeared, everyone checking to see if they were friend or foe. Many nodded a greeting to Rob, and she suspected they were some of the men sent to watch over Marcus.
    A few regarded her with a discerning eye. She hoped she looked like a young man and not like a woman dressed in men’s garments. She wondered if that’s what had given her away with the Scots across the border was Rob and his men circling her to protect her and that she had no sword, only a sgian dubh to protect herself in a fight.
    They moved to the stairs and she felt strange when she didn’t have skirts to lift while she ascended the stairs. She kept her cloak closed so that no one there would see her trewes. She felt too exposed in them, having never worn a tunic that would show off the shape of her legs. Her father would have had a fit.
    When they reached the landing, she saw two men standing on either side of a door. Both straightened when they saw her and bowed their heads in greeting. She returned their greeting with her own.
    Rob knocked on the door. “I have returned with the bundle.”
    “Good.” Finbar sounded vastly relieved. The bolt slid back and then the door opened. Finbar gave her a small smile. “He is asleep, but do

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