Hirohito and the Making of Modern Japan
    Washington treaties and, 176–77
    Great Depression, 228, 245, 250, 265
    Greater East Asia Coprosperity Sphere, 397, 434, 464, 595
    Greater East Asia Ministry, Japanese, 457
    Greater East Asia War, see World War II, Asia-Pacific theater of
    Great Food-Offering Ceremony, 686
    Great Wall, 258, 259, 260
    Green Buds of Hiroshima, The ( Hiroshima no midori no me ) (Imamura andmuri), 637
    Grew, Joseph C., 259, 337, 428, 500, 504, 518, 519–20
    Hirohito as seen by, 498–99
    Guadalcanal, 446–47, 454, 463, 464
    Battle of, 455–62
    Guam, 9, 436, 445, 453, 456, 475
    Gunrei, 34
    hakkichiu (benevolent rule), 200, 372
    Hakusukinoe, battle of, 623
    Hamaguchi Yk, 208, 209, 219, 225, 228, 304
    assassination of, 210–11, 226
    Hamao Arata, 41, 87
    â€œHan’gul Day,” 191
    Harada Kumao, 175–78, 228, 232, 236–37, 243, 301, 348, 370, 382, 602
    Hara Kei, 86, 92, 93–99, 128, 137, 155, 186, 189
    assassination of, 122–23
    and European tour of 1921, 99–100, 103, 104, 106, 110, 113, 114
    Hara Tamiki, 637
    Hara Yoshimichi, 373, 398, 413, 431, 432, 469
    Harding administration, 106
    Harriman, Averell, 508
    Hasegawa Kiyoshi, 334, 338
    Hashimoto Kingor, 231–32, 243
    Hasunuma, General, 443, 461, 464, 476–77
    Hata Ikuhiko, 298, 301
    Hatano Takanao, 94–96
    Hata Shunroku, 353, 354–55, 371, 372, 381, 610
    Hatoyama Ichir, 187, 574–75, 656–57
    Hattori Hirotar, 60, 66
    Hirohito assessed by, 61
    Hattori Takushir, 351
    Hawaii, 9, 68, 355, 430
    Hay, John, 147
    Hayashi Senjr, 236, 237–39, 244, 277, 284, 296, 373, 418, 430
    Hayata Noboru, 658
    Heian period (794–1185), 313
    Heibonsha, 666
    Heisei era, see Akihito, emperor of Japan
    Herald (London), 111
    Hidaka Shinrokur, 337
    Hiei, 459
    Higashikuni Naruhiko, Prince, 112, 283–84, 300, 336, 418, 423, 528, 538–39, 546, 565, 572, 573, 581, 586, 605
    appointed prime minister, 536–37
    first press conference of, 557–58
    Hirohito and, 541
    Higashino Shin, 591
    High Treason Incident, 32–33
    Hijji kokumin zensh (Essays on the time of emergency confronting the nation), 277–78
    Himeta Mitsuyoshi, 367
    Hirano Yoshitar, 588
    Hiranuma Kiichir, 164, 184, 225–26, 227, 254, 288, 289, 292, 344–45, 350–51, 352, 353, 354, 357, 370, 430, 487, 488, 513, 514–18, 536, 610
    Hiraoka Ktar, 98
    Hirata Tsuke, 99, 127, 128
    Hiro, Prince, 685–86
    Hirohata Tadakata, 298–99
    Hirohito, emperor of Japan (Shwa emperor):
    abdication issue and, 550, 552–53, 571–73, 605–7, 618, 628, 634, 649–50
    as above natural law, 81
    accession of, 171
    advisers of, 16, 29, 79, 178–81, 207; see also court group ancestor worship and, 38–39, 62, 69, 119–20, 122
    â€œapproval rating” of, 166
    attempted assassination of, 140–41, 248
    benevolence ascribed to, 145, 160–61, 309, 527
    biological laboratory of, 60–61
    birth of, 21
    as “brain” of nation, 293–94
    brothers of, 16, 21, 23–25, 35, 38, 41, 50, 139, 382
    cartoons of, 566
    charisma of, 441–42, 525
    chief secretaries of, 172–73
    classmates of, 38
    clothing of, 89, 345, 349, 437, 543, 554, 621, 629, 631, 637, 653
    coming-of-age ceremony of, 83, 84–86
    concubinage practice ended by, 145
    constitutional law studied by, 77–81
    as constitutional monarch, 219, 566
    on criteria for prime ministers, 253–55
    as crown prince, 39
    and cult of the emperor, 27–28
    death of, 3, 684–85
    declining media interest in, 659–60
    depression of, 493
    described, 86–87, 89, 564, 620–21, 629–30, 631
    divinity of, 7–8, 49, 90, 119–20, 191, 192–93, 293, 294, 314, 326, 550, 561, 638–39
    domestic tours of, 135–39, 156, 196, 620–26, 628–31, 633–38, 645
    early childhood of, 22–25
    economics taught to, 130–31
    elementary education of, 36–38, 43, 81, 89
    emperor theory taught to, 63–65; see also emperor

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