Hirohito and the Making of Modern Japan
theory engagement of, 95–96
    enthronement of, see enthronement ritualsethics lessons of, 66–69
    eulogy of, 685
    in European tour, see European tour of 1921
    fascism disavowed by, 255
    50th anniversary in reign of, 678–79
    as figurehead, 13–14, 342
    funeral of, 686
    George V as model for, 115–19
    Hattori’s assessment of, 61
    high-command structure and, 388–89
    history as taught to, 70–76
    â€œhumanization” of, 620, 624, 638, 645
    identity of, 38–39, 49, 59, 89–91, 650
    illnesses of, 157, 493–94, 684–85
    image of, 106–7, 112–13, 127, 166–67, 205–6, 225, 341, 421, 527, 553, 660
    imperial family of, 49–51
    imperial tradition ( Kso ks ) and, 38–39
    imperial way ( kd ) and, 10–11
    inarticulateness of, 88, 639
    insect specimen book of, 60
    instructed to rule as regent, 127–29
    â€œinstruction for the emperor” of, 57–59, 90–91
    intellectual interests and limitations of, 90, 114–15
    intelligence of, 81, 85, 114–15
    intelligence system of, 390–92
    international law studied by, 366
    Japanese people’s relationship with, 7, 9–10
    and knowledge of Pearl Harbor attack, 421–22
    MacArthur compared with, 547–48
    male heir problem of, 270–71, 273
    marriage of, 143–44
    martial spirit lacking in, 84, 86, 89
    mask of silence of, 87–88
    media depiction of, 127, 135–36, 205–6, 384, 548, 549–51, 553, 564–66
    Meiji model and, 80–81, 89
    methodological nature of, 61
    middle school education of, 85
    Mikami’s Meiji lectures to, 131–33
    military and, see military, militarism military education of, 25–26, 37, 41, 43–49, 51, 52, 54, 57, 58, 89, 135
    as model of morality, 139
    monarchy and sovereignty as seen by, 293–95
    â€œMonologues” of, 2–5, 217–18, 589–92, 678
    moral sense of, 62, 65
    movements and countenance of, 87–88
    and mutiny of 1936, 299–301, 304–5
    and myth as mechanism of power, 121–22
    name of, 21
    Nara’s description of, 86–87
    natural history and science as interests of, 58, 60–61, 90, 283
    near-sightedness of, 89
    nervousness and chronic psychological stress of, 89, 114–15, 133, 213–14, 259
    newsreels reviewed by, 392, 451
    New Year’s rescript of, 560–64
    Nogi’s influence on, 43
    Ogasawara’s evaluation of, 85–86
    on organ theory, 294–95
    parenthood of, 145, 270–71, 533–34
    personality of, 11–12, 25, 38–39, 62, 65, 84–90, 111, 132, 188, 371–72, 439–42, 485–86, 520, 535, 547–48
    personal leadership by, 439–42
    physical appearance of, 81, 89, 136, 195, 620
    physical exercise of, 114
    physical weakness of, 37, 48
    piety of, 122
    poems of, 6, 638
    policy deliberation of, 388–89
    political attitudes of, 91–93
    portrait of, 201, 555
    posture of, 136
    and practice of withholding assent, 152
    prisoner-of-war issue and, 448
    private life of, 145, 270–71
    pseudo-public appearances of, 196–97
    public regard for, 554
    racial beliefs of, 68–69, 148–49
    recreational activities of, 283, 451–52
    as regent, 123
    religion and, 2, 31, 38, 72, 114, 122, 422–23, 461, 553–54, 653
    rescripts of, 305, 338, 383, 384, 433–38, 441, 458–59, 469, 495, 525–30, 539, 546, 560–64, 591, 653
    as resolute in fighting on, 480–81, 501
    reticence and shyness of, 84, 86–88, 111, 132, 441
    and right of supreme command, 54–56, 154–55, 512, 517
    secret briefings of, 626, 655, 673–74
    â€œspecial lectures” ordered by, 135
    speech on rationale for surrender, 514–16
    titles of, 21
    trained in court rites, 130
    22nd birthday of, 139
    â€œunity” card of, 310
    unpublished documents of, 6–7
    U.S. perception of, 341–42
    voice of, 81, 84, 87–89, 526, 621, 660
    war as viewed by, 359
    Western ideas and,

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