His Darkest Salvation
DaCosta, but dangerous nonetheless.
    The hulk’s eyes narrowed, and his lips peeled back into a grimace that was supposed to be a smile.
    “You two gentlemen lost?” He nodded toward the bank of elevators several feet away. “This is private, you need to back away.”
    Declan smiled. “Dude, what’s that on your arm? Christ that is the ugliest fucking tattoo I’ve ever seen.” Declan looked at Julian, who was staring silently at the warrior. “And I’ve seen some ugly-ass tattoos. Shit, hope you didn’t spend heavy on it.”
    Julian felt the guard’s anger and tensed as the mountain of flesh flexed his arms and rolled his neck. “I suggest you move away before I—”
    “Before you what? Kick my ass?” Declan sneered.
    The guard growled, his tone low and menacing. Declan’s glee at the guard’s anger was a little too reckless for Julian’s liking. He didn’t want to attract any attention.
    “I don’t think so.” Declan continued to taunt as he moved in closer, drawing the warrior’s attention. They were now hidden behind the massive palm tree. “An overlarge tattooed fairy has no chance at my ass.” He laughed as the guard flexed his hands. “Besides, I’m thinking you’d like it just a little too much.”
    Declan’s inference regarding the warriors sexuality was apparently the last straw. On cue, the hulk lunged, but Julian’s hand shot out at the same time that Declan threw an energy pulse. His fist blurred as it connected, hard, with the shifter’s temple, and it was followed by another quick jab to his throat.
    The warrior stumbled, suddenly fighting for air, and Julian moved quickly to subdue him, his large hand pressing against the guard’s windpipe as he held him still.
    Within seconds, the large man was unconscious.
    “Get the door.” Julian nodded, but Declan was already on it, his hand hovering above the control panel, energy sizzling from his fingers.
    It slid open silently, and, seconds later, they were safely inside, along with the deadweight of the warrior at their feet.
    There was only one button, and Julian pressed it while Declan took care of the security camera. If anyone was watching, they might see a blur, a ripple in the air.
    Magick came in handy at the trickiest of times.
    The lift rose in silence, and as the seconds ticked by, the energy inside Julian darkened. His thoughts continued to center on the woman who had managed to make his miserable existence even more of a spectacular failure.
    Jaden DaCosta claimed they were mated. That he was responsible for the warrior tattoos adorning her flesh. Fucking ironic, he thought, and a DaCosta no less.
    When the doors finally parted, his body was tense, the muscles bunched good and tight.
    Jaden’s soft scent lingered in the air, teasing him with its exotic flavor, and he exhaled harshly in an effort to ban it from his nose.
    Julian squared his shoulders and shook his arms until they hung loose at his sides. He stepped into her lair, proceeding slowly, with Declan right behind him.
    The penthouse suite was simple, elegant, with a bank of windows that ran the entire length of the room, letting in the beauty of the Mayan countryside. Outside, the sun was high, its warmth caressing his skin as he stepped into the center of the large room.
    He knew right away the place was empty. There were no energy signatures, no indication of life.
    He relaxed a bit and walked over to a simple table with several pictures on display.
    Jaden’s laughing face stared up at him, and he cocked his head as he studied them closely. Most were of Jaden and a woman who appeared to be an older version of the shifter. Her mother maybe?
    The woman looked sad, something about her eyes was haunted, but Jaden looked unaware, happy and incredibly young.
    A few were recent, but there were none of Jakobi, her father, or any of the brothers.
    Declan joined him. “You gotta admit the woman is one fine piece of ass.”
    Julian tensed at the crude words yet remained

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