His Royal Pleasure

His Royal Pleasure by Leanne Banks

Book: His Royal Pleasure by Leanne Banks Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leanne Banks
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such a jerk, why did she get involved with him?”
    â€œKatie’s got this thing about stability,” Chad offered. “I think Robert pulled a real snow job over her.” Chad went silent for a moment, then looked uncomfortable. “You aren’t trying to put the make on her, are you? She’s had enough bums in her life.”
    Impatient with Chad’s assessment of his character, Alex walked to the door and locked it. “That’s between your sister and me,” he said in dismissal.
    A woman who’d been burned required a different approach, he realized. Alex also realized that he wanted something from Katherine, with a wanting so fierce, it bordered on need, though he automatically rejected the idea of needing anyone. Robert’s foolish rejection of her suited Alex’s purposes. He wasted no pity on the stupidity of Katherine’s former husband. Right now, he just wanted to be alone to think.
    Chad rose from the chair and stood. “I gotta tell you,” he said in the most serious voice Alex had ever heard him use, “that I’ll beat you to a pulp if you hurt Katie.”
    Alex stopped. Surprise warred with irritation. After all, Chad was several inches shorter and about thirty pounds lighter than Alex. His estimation of Chad rose a notch. “If I hurt Katherine, I may just let you,” he finally replied.
    For the next few days Katherine avoided Al. By taking breakfast in her uncle’s office, she made the coffee and managed to get out of the house before Al rose in the mornings. She made a point of not being wherever he was. And if he showed up, she found a reason to leave.
    The thought came to her that she was being cowardly, but she brushed it aside. Al had shaken her. When she regained her composure, her control, she’d be able to deal with him more normally. It was just taking longer than she’d expected.
    Wednesday night arrived, and Chad and Al were ready to present the pirate skit, although Chad warned her it wouldn’t be perfect.
    Katherine was delighted. It was a beautiful night. The sea reflected the full moon, and a breeze teased the hem of her sundress. Anticipation simmered among the large group gathered on the beach to watch the drama. Chad had enlisted the help of several guests.
    The ship, a replica of an old English shipping vessel, was anchored at the marina with spotlights focused on it. A hush descended over the crowd when the lights dimmed and brightened twice. The scene opened with the English lord Richard, played by Chad, and Lady Bettina, played by Suzanne, dressed in period clothing and engaged in a heated argument.
    Katherine grinned at the similarity of art to life. Those two had been at each other’s throats lately.
    â€œI don’t wish to marry Lord Barrymore,” Lady Bettina said loudly.
    â€œYour wishes don’t matter, sister. This is a business arrangement. Lord Barrymore has agreed to keep his promise, even though you have disgraced the entire family by taking off with this pirate Raven.” Richard looked down his nose at Bettina. “I fear you’re touched in the head since you’ve become acquainted with Raven.”
    Bettina tossed her head of long blond curls. “Think what you will. I would sooner die than marry Lord Barrymore.”
    â€œThe only one sure to die is your Raven. My men have taken him to the local sheriff,” Richard returned.
    Bettina promptly burst into tears and went below deck.
    The audience’s sympathy turned against Richard. When he kicked a deckhand’s bucket in a fit of temper, the crowd booed. Richard ordered a watch and went to his quarters for the night.
    The lights dimmed, and after the sailors settled down, sounds of snoring came over the P.A. system.
    The crowd’s chuckles were followed by whispers as a group of rowboats silently made its way toward the ship. Led by a tall man in black pants and open, flowing white shirt, a gang

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