His Wicked Seduction
turned her attention to the streets again.
    When they rolled up next to Lucien and Audrey, Charles called and waved them closer. He then got down to help Ursula off the carriage.
    “Lucien, I need you to take Horatia home. Audrey and I have a lunch engagement with Avery, don’t we?” He slanted a look at Audrey.
    She blinked once before remembrance flashed across her face. “Oh yes!”
    Before Lucien could protest, Horatia and her maid Ursula were dumped into his care as Audrey and her maid Gillian usurped her sister’s spot on the curricle, and Charles tore off down the street.
    “Did Charles just leave you behind so he could take your sister and my brother out for the afternoon?” Lucien asked in almost a stupefied tone.
    “It would seem so.” Horatia was just as mystified. She blushed when she realized she’d been leaning into him as they watched the curricle drive off. With great reluctance she pushed away, not missing the way his hand lingered at the small of her back, as though he wished to keep her close. A little pang pinched her heart.
    Lucien hailed his waiting carriage to take him, Horatia and her maid back to Curzon Street. He helped Horatia inside allowing her the seat facing forward. The carriage leapt into motion before Lucien had properly seated himself and was flung back onto Horatia. She cried out, more from surprise than any pain. He scrambled off her, apologizing profusely.
    “Are you quite sure you are all right?” he pressed.
    “I’m fine, my lord.” She made her tone cool, determined to erase the memory of last night’s bruising kiss and fiery touch. “You simply startled me. I’m not nearly as delicate as you seem to believe.”
    When he grimaced she suspected he was recalling his encounter with her knee. The thought did not displease her.
    “Did you have a pleasant time with Audrey?” she asked after an awkward silence.
    “Yes, she convinced me to buy her Christmas present early this year.”
    “How kind of you,” Horatia replied, thinking back on her own gifts from him.
    Every year Lucien bought her a book, which she secretly treasured with all her heart, despite her knowing he only did it not to show favoritism with Audrey. Her sister was everyone’s favorite. Normally this didn’t bother Horatia, but with Lucien it struck her deep in the chest. His hazel eyes were fixed on her now, as though he could read her thoughts.
    “I bought your gift as well, but it shan’t be ready for at least a few days. Madame Ella assured me it would be done in less than a week.”
    “Madame Ella?” Horatia’s heartbeat skittered.
    “I thought perhaps you would like a gown, since your other one was ruined.”
    “You bought me…a gown?” Her entire body tensed at the thought of wearing something he’d given her. It lit her blood on fire with excitement.
    “Would you prefer to have another novel? I could cancel the order—”
    “No!” Hope filled her so tightly she had trouble breathing. “A gown would be lovely. However, I hope you had the good sense not to tell my brother.”
    “Perish the thought.” He flashed that all too appealing rakehell grin. “Your sister and I designed this confection especially for you this Christmas season and it would be a shame for it to go unworn.”
    Horatia bit her lip as excitement bubbled up within her. It was scandalous for him to buy her a gown, but she was secretly delighted. It meant he was thinking about her.
    The coach pulled up in front of Sheridan House and Lucien got out. He came around to her side of the coach and had the approaching footman assist Ursula down while Lucien helped Horatia down. Ursula and the footman disappeared inside, leaving Lucien and Horatia alone for a moment.
    She offered her hand but he ignored it and moved forward to catch her by the waist, lowering her to the ground. Heat rushed through her in a violent wave as he let her slide down the length of his body. When he set her down, she raised her eyes to his

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