Hollow (Perfect Little Pieces)
class was going to do was remind me of how much I had hurt her?
    When I was silent, he softened his features and cupped my cheek with his palm. “If you really don’t want to do it, then we don’t have to. But believe me—you’ll be missing out. I swear, Lucy, this stuff clears the head and makes you feel amazing.” He slid his thumb across my cheek, heating my skin.
    I noticed he said my name again—just as he did in my room yesterday. Knowing Jayden was someone who called everyone by silly nicknames, made the use of my real name feel so intimate, like a caress.
    I wish I could just follow him into the room, but things weren’t that simple.
    He leaned forward and pressed his lips against my forehead. “There’s nothing to be afraid of. Promise.”
    I closed my eyes and leaned into his warmth. Slowly, his strength seeped into my skin. What was it about him that made me feel as though I could face the world?
    “Okay,” I whispered.
    He leaned back and studied my face. “Okay…what?”
    “Okay, I’ll go—but just this once.” Once, and then it would all be over. Besides, I rather doubted that the Tai Chi lessons here were the same as the aura-realigning sessions my mother went to on Thursday mornings.
    “Great.” He grinned and tugged on my hand. “You won’t regret this. I swear.”
    I certainly hoped not. My chest tightened as he dragged me into the Tai Chi room. Could I really go through with this? It looked like I didn’t have a choice.

    Chapter Five
    Thankfully, there were only a few other people taking the class. If I was going to embarrass myself, at least I wasn’t doing it in front of the entire ward.
    The room itself was small and had no furniture. Hard, linoleum floors were shined clean and sparkled in a similar manner to the floors in the hall. A staff member stood by the door, collecting names as we walked in.
    “For points,” Jayden whispered once we were out of earshot. “Get enough of these things and they’ll let you go out into the visitor’s area.” He never let go of my hand, not once, and for some reason that gave me the strength to see this through.
    A second staff member sat on a small rug in the front of the room. Her legs were crossed and her eyes closed. How she could concentrate was anyone’s guess.
    “Good evening,” The instructor said as she opened her eyes. She had long, blonde hair that she had wrapped in a bun at the top of her head. Wispy strands hung down the sides of her face, softening her features. She looked young, about my age, and was as thin as a rail. Her slight frame was misleading, however. She stood in a single, graceful motion and scanned the crowd.
    That was when I saw him. Mr. Big and Burly was standing in the front row, on the opposite side of the room from Jayden and myself. What was his name again? Oh yes, Jayden had called him Carter during the introductions, although I wasn’t sure if that was his first name or his last.
    Instead of a wild mane, Carter’s hair had been smoothed and tied neatly into a low-hanging ponytail. He stared at the instructor with that same intense stare that had unnerved me so many times. I had no idea how the instructor could stand it.
    “I see that we have a new student.” The instructor smiled at me, which left me a little embarrassed.
    “Her name’s Lucy,” Jayden offered.
    I flashed Jayden a warning look. I didn’t come here to be the center of attention. In fact, I was rather unsure exactly why I was here at all.
    “Lucy.” The instructor beamed. “I’m Rosalie. People here call me Rose. Have you tried Tai Chi before?”
    I glanced around the room and found Carter staring at me, his expression blank. Why did he keep looking at me like that? It was downright creepy.
    I jerked my attention back to the instructor.
    “Have you tried Tai Chi before?” she repeated.
    I shook my head no.
    “No problem.” She gave the basic introduction to Tai Chi, talking about

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