The Alpha's Curse (Wolf Shifter Pregnancy Romance)

The Alpha's Curse (Wolf Shifter Pregnancy Romance) by Scarlett Grove

Book: The Alpha's Curse (Wolf Shifter Pregnancy Romance) by Scarlett Grove Read Free Book Online
Authors: Scarlett Grove
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of a whole soul.
    As she went about her daily chores, her mind replayed the previous night’s events over and over, keeping her aroused and anxious all day.
    How she missed him already. Even with the deep, abiding knowledge of their love, she couldn’t help but feel depleted by his absence.

    A s evening approached , the day after Lucien’s visit, Avery went to check on the barn. It had been a massive project at the back of her mind that she didn’t want to deal with. Since she was feeling distraught already, she was more willing to open up the depressing can of worms that was the barn.
    She pulled open the creaky barn door and peered inside with her flashlight. The rays of late afternoon sunlight streamed through the openings between the wooden plank walls.
    Running her flashlight over the ground, walls and then up to the ceiling, she noticed something that almost made her drop it in the moldy, old straw that littered the floor.
    The roof beams that had been a rotting hazard had been replaced by pressure treated lumber, creating a whole new support structure for the roof.
    What the hell? Backing away, she closed the door behind her and strode back to the house, past the chicken coop. Her little birds were doing well and would be laying in a few more months. They clucked at her as she hurried by.
    How had the barn roof beams been replaced? Her mind had been fuzzy since the first time she’d met Lucien under the full moon. Things hadn’t quite made sense since. It was only because Avery trusted the unseen forces of the universe that she didn’t think she was stark raving mad.
    But this? Her barn repaired without any explanation? It just wouldn’t incorporate into her mind, no matter how fuzzy. She hadn’t heard a single peep overnight. She didn’t have beams stocked for the repairs or any of the other heavy equipment it would require.
    She shook it off as she put her tea kettle on the stove. If she let this get to her, she surely would lose it. There was far too much at stake to freak out now.
    There was a farm to run and the baby would come in six months’ time, no matter if the father came back to her or not. She couldn’t let the strangeness of her world rule her. There were other forces at work. Forces like mortgages and snobby older brothers.
    After pouring herself a cup of tea, she took the warm mug into the spare bedroom and looked around. Maybe it was time to start getting her nursery ready. It might take her mind off all the other craziness happening in her world.
    Making a note to herself to go nursery shopping the next time she was in Portland, Avery took her tea to the living room and watched TV on her new satellite television. Ever since the satellite company had installed her TV and Internet service, she’d felt a little more connected to the real world.
    She’d even started making a website for the farm. Eventually, she planned to sell value added items to customers through the site. Stuff like herbal remedies and healing salves. It would be a good supplement to her income from the farmer’s market.
    She sat down beside her computer in the spare room and clicked on the Internet. There were a few emails in her inbox so she opened it up and read through the senders list.
    There were a few from the small health food stores she’d started selling through. She read them quickly, making note of their orders for the coming week.
    Her first zucchinis would be ready to harvest soon and there were plenty of buyers for her goods. When she finished with the business emails, she noticed one from her mentor, Valerie.
    She opened it quickly and read through the text.
    Hi Avery,
    I haven’t heard from you in a few months. How are you doing out on your land? Have you been to the market yet? I’m sure you are working as hard as ever, but how are you with your stress management? Have you had any more strange dreams?
    My friend Margaret is a healer who specializes in the kinds of troubles you’re having. She

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