The Alpha's Curse (Wolf Shifter Pregnancy Romance)

The Alpha's Curse (Wolf Shifter Pregnancy Romance) by Scarlett Grove Page B

Book: The Alpha's Curse (Wolf Shifter Pregnancy Romance) by Scarlett Grove Read Free Book Online
Authors: Scarlett Grove
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the circulation.
    “Anger. Tradition. Dominion. Force. A curse is upon the house.”
    “You’re hurting me.”
    Margaret let go of Avery’s arm and her face slowly turned back to normal.
    “This is good tea,” Margaret said, taking another sip.
    “What about the curse?”
    “Curse? I was channeling; I can’t remember.”
    Avery frowned. “You said there was a curse upon the house. Do you know when he will come back?”
    “The wolf or the man?” Margaret said, picking up another shortbread.
    “The man. I need him. I love him.”
    “And so you should. For fate has woven this web. But a web can trap the unsuspecting. It can snare the saints and sinners alike.”
    “I don’t understand.”
    “It isn’t for me to say. But, I can tell you this. Your child will be healthy, no matter how it comes into the world. Now, I’ve got to get going. I’m expected in Portland in less than three hours.”
    “Wait. Can’t you help me?”
    “No one can help you, dear. You must help yourself.”
    Margaret stood from the chair and started to the door before she turned back to Avery.
    “You can keep the cookies though.”
    Avery leaned back in her chair and watched the woman disappear out the front door. She didn’t even bother getting up to see her out. Manners weren’t important at times like these. She just sat there, her arms crossed, her face in a confused scowl.
    Why the hell had Margaret come here? There was a rumble in the driveway and Avery got up in time to watch the Honda pull away. She sighed and turned back into the living room, suddenly feeling cold in the drafty old house.
    She pulled a sweater around her shoulders and made her way out to the garden to finish packing up her vegetables.
    Margaret had created more questions than she’d answered. But at least she’d said the baby would be okay. Avery had a sonogram appointment in a few days and would finally learn the sex of her baby.
    That thought was what she had to hold onto now, now that nothing made sense, no matter where she turned.

    A fter making all her deliveries to the local grocery stores, Avery set up her stall at the farmer’s market. Now, she not only had greens but early-season vegetables to offer the patrons of the market. As customers filed in, she couldn’t help but think about her doctor’s appointment the next day. It was even more exciting to her than selling out every single item in her market stall.
    Halfway through the day, one of the people from the fresh cheese stall beside her offered to grab her a hazelnut butter and banana crêpe from one of the vendors for lunch. When the sweet girl from the stall next door arrived with her crêpe, Avery accepted it happily and tipped the girl with a bunch of spinach.
    As Avery was taking her first bite, her worst nightmare was realized. Standing in front of her was not only her snobby brother Frederick, but her mother and father as well. She couldn’t tell if they looked more shocked or mortified to see her sitting there amongst her vegetables and greens. She put her hand to her growing belly and then quickly moved it away, not wanting to hint at her condition.
    “When Frederick told us you had a stall here, I couldn’t believe it,” her father said.
    “Hi, Dad,” Avery said, putting down her crêpe.
    “Avery, we haven’t heard from you in months. Is this what you’ve been doing with your inheritance?” her mother asked.
    “Yes, it is, Mom. And if you all don’t mind, I’d like to get back to the business of selling my vegetables, for money, to strangers.”
    “Don’t take that tone with your mother, young lady,” her father said.
    “Seriously? You came down to my place of business to insult me and you’re going to question my tone? You’re lucky I don’t call security.”
    Her brother scoffed and her mother frowned.
    “Darling, it’s just that we are all so worried about you,” her mother said.
    “You guys are worried about me? You just want to make me feel small

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